beta Archives - 3DVista Tue, 11 Apr 2023 11:30:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 beta Archives - 3DVista 32 32 Multiresolution – New Viewer Technology Mon, 27 May 2019 20:40:21 +0000 We've been dying to write this post: For the past 9 months, our team has been working on a complete make-over of our virtual tour viewer technology. We implemented multiresolution, which improves...

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We've been dying to write this post: For the past 9 months, our team has been working on a complete make-over of our virtual tour viewer technology. We implemented multiresolution, which improves loading times a lot and lets you include much bigger and higher quality panoramas in your tours.

And today is the day we can finally announce: It's out and running! Give it a try and compare the speed of loading and the image quality with previously published tours. It's so so cool! For now, you can find the new viewers in our beta version (What's that?) but soon, it'll migrate to the official 3DVista Virtual Tour PRO. This is also a special beta version with a new link. To download the beta with the new viewers, click on the following link: 

This has been a feature much much requested, especially by former Kolor users who were used to multiresolution. We promised  we would implement it and got right to work. If you're curious, give it a try with the beta version (download here) and let us know what you think of it.

And the best part is, this will be a free upgrade for everyone – independently of whether you have a valid 1-year upgrade or not. To celebrate 20 years of 3DVista and give something back to our awesome community 😉

white paper with yeah signage

What is multiresolution and what's improved?

Multiresolution basically means that the viewer will load the panorama by parts. This lets us use very very large panoramas that allow tremendous levels of zoom, without the lengthy loading process. Imagine you want to import a panorama with a resolution of 40000×20000 pixel. The advantage of such a panorama is it'll allow your audience to zoom very much into the image and to see incredible detail. But loading such a panorama would require several gigabytes and may be too much to handle for an average computer (and limiting your target audience is the last thing you'd want). The solution is to split the panorama into small parts where only those that are being called will load (so as your audience zooms in for example). Your panorama will also only load the resolution that's most adecuate for the current level of zoom. This saves a lot of memory as it never loads unnecessarily large amounts of data (which may not even be needed) simultaneously.

Of course, the performance is also highly improved, especially in mobile and VR devices.

Important Announcement

Some of you literally could not wait a day longer, so we published this as a bet version. We are aware that this feature may probably have some bugs still, which we will be fixing these days. So please report anything you find ("Help" – "Report Bug").

Known issue: The 3DVista hosting service is slower and in some tours 360º and normal videos may take longer to load. These two issues will be fixed in tomorrow's version.

Don't update if you have an important deadline. If you can, wait a couple more days to update. If you do want to update already, we recommend you make a backup of your project files (File – Export with media). Once you save the project with the new version, it is not recommended to go back to the previous version.

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New Beta Update 2018.2.0 Tue, 30 Oct 2018 18:25:49 +0000 The post New Beta Update 2018.2.0 appeared first on 3DVista.


Exciting new stuff on this one. Check it out, use it in our beta version and as always – get excited for it to move to the official 3DVista Virtual Tour PRO Version very soon 😉

image (28)

New Publish Window with New Virtual Tour Formats

  • Added new publish format "To 360º video" which converts and publishes your virtual tour as a 360º video so it can be uploaded to YouTube and other platforms. This obviously maximises the reach of your virtual tour and allows you to post your tour on platforms that would othrwise not support virtual tour formats.
  • Added "Blending" option in Video Hotspot to easily blend the video into the scene.
  • Added "Apply Chroma" option in Video Hotspot.
  • Added "At End" event in actions for Video Hotspot.
  • Added Windows / Mac selector in the Autoexecutable publication.
  • Supported Animated PNG (APNG) format in Hotspots. This format allows better quality than GIF and is VR compatible.
  • Supported DNG format in Panorama.
  • Supported several RAW formats in Albums/Floorplans.
  • Supported WAV format for sounds.
  • Improved the loading/processing time with images in the application.
  • The Publish popup has a new design.
  • Other minor issues.


Have trouble finding these new features?

Don't worry, if you're using 3DVista Virtual Tour PRO, that's normal. These functions have only just been implemented in our beta version, a parallel program which we have just opened up to the public as well. This beta version can be described as the future version of our official software. New functions appear here before making an appearance to the masses and being introduced publicly to all of you in 3DVista Virtual Tour PRO. So, yes, all these functions will migrate to the official 3DVista Virtual Tour PRO version as soon as they are 100% stable, reliable and ready for you. Want to find out more about this beta version? Click here.

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Out NOW: Animated Panoramas Tue, 11 Sep 2018 21:47:51 +0000 The post Out NOW: Animated Panoramas appeared first on 3DVista.


Highly anticipated and finally here: As of today, our beta version supports Animated Panoramas. That means you can overlay videos on top of your panorama ("video hotspots") making it look like a part of the panorama is animated.

In our first demo, have Markus explain to you the art of perfume making. And, beyond an integrated guide, this new feature opens up a whole new world of possibilities:  Imagine animating a room's TV to make it look like it's turned on, lighting up a fire place for ambience or demonstrating work-flows and machinery by having a conveyor belt start moving.

Feel free to send us your ideas and first Animated Pano Tours to We'd love to see what you guys can come up with!

How it's done

Of course there's gonna be a video tutorial on this very soon. Until then: Shoot your panorama the way you are used to – whether with a 360º camera or with your DSLR.  Inside 3DVista VT PRO beta, you can then draw a video hotspot into your panorama and insert the video into the panorama so it smoothly integrates into the environment.

Download the VT PRO beta version here:

32 bits -> Click here
64 bits -> Click here

Mac -> Click here

You can download and use the VT PRO beta parallel to your normal VT PRO version: It’s a separate program for download but works with your standard license (or as a trial, of course). This way you can test and use cutting-edge technology before anyone else without compromising your official VT PRO version at all. To find out what exactly our beta is, read this.

Of course, this feature will soon be implemented into the official (non-beta) 3DVista Virtual Tour PRO version, too.

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New Beta Update 2018.1.0 Mon, 23 Jul 2018 12:44:13 +0000 The post New Beta Update 2018.1.0 appeared first on 3DVista.


This is what's new in VT PRO's beta version (What is the beta version? Click here to find out)

We are talking about VT PRO beta here, yes – But, all these features will be implemented in the normal 3DVista Virtual Tour PRO software very soon, too.

* Added Custom fonts. The application will read the fonts installed on your system to use them inside of the tour.

* Added new options as to where to look first in a Panorama or 360 Video when it is being opened through the "Open Media" hotspot action. These new options are:

Start Point.
–> Always the start point that's been set for the panorama or 360º video to be opened (no matter the previous media, i.e. from where you are coming).

Smart Entry View.
–> Calculates the first view inside the new panorama depending on where the user is coming from, so it always looks like you were physically walking into the new panorama/room.

Same Spot as Current Media.
–> Imagine you want to open a "new panorama", which is esentially the exact same room and spot, just with new decorations, different lighting or throughout renovations etc. When changing from one to the next, you would want to maintain whichever direction you were looking in, to make the change more dramatic (otherwise, the new panorama would start in the direction you had defined for it, while you might have ben looking into the opposite direction in the panorama before). This will maintain the viewing direction so it seemlessly looks like you were just swapping out the furniture. You can compare this to our Live Panorama, which also changes through different panoramas while maintaining the view direction. The difference here is that you can use more panoramas and the user manually selects the panorama to be opened (Live Panorama automatically transforms through the integrated panoramas).

–> This'll let you define the initial view of the panorama to be opened for this precise hotspot.

* Added "Enable Antialiasing" option in the Publish Tab. If this option is enabled, the player quality for desktop will be improved when panoramas in high resolution are played.

* Added "Next Media" and "Previous Media" hotspot action. You can use that to go to the next/previous media in a playlist selected (the main Carousel or from custom dropdowns/thumbnail list components).

* Added "Open Panorama in the same spot" option in the "Next/Previous Media" action. That behaviour will open the new panorama in the same spot as the old panorama.

* Added "ToolTip Display Time" option in the Publish tab.

* Added "Preload All Skin Elements" option in the Publish tab.

* Increased preview quality for Panoramas. The generation of the intermediate images might result in slightly increased waiting time throughout the first loading of the project.

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New BETA – manual download required Fri, 06 Jul 2018 14:14:22 +0000 Just a couple of weeks ago, we announced the separate launch of our BETA line, which is essentially the future version of our 3DVista Virtual Tour PRO. You can download it as a separate program onto your computer (so you can keep your "normal"...

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Just a couple of weeks ago, we announced the separate launch of our BETA line, which is essentially the future version of our 3DVista Virtual Tour PRO. You can download it as a separate program onto your computer (so you can keep your "normal" Virtual Tour PRO and go back and use it anytime you want) and already use all the new features that we will launch in the official software at a later point (here' to making everyone early adaptors!). After a couple of updates, this latest update does require you download the beta again from scratch, hence, this post. After that, it'll update auotmatically, just like your official VT PRO does.

So what do I have to do?

If you want to start using 3DVista Virtual Tour PRO beta, just download it from the links below. If you already are using the beta version, you do need to download it again from the links below, since this beta update is the last one to require manual updating. After this version, manual updates or downloads will not be required anymore and your beta will update automatically. Download the new beta version from here:

32 bits -> Click here
64 bits -> Click 

Mac: Click here

And here's what's new:

  • Increased preview quality for Panoramas. The generation of the intermediate images might result in slightly increased waiting time throughout the first loading of the project.
  • Added new options to open a Panorama or 360 Video through the "Open Media" hotspot action. These new options are:
    • Start Point.
    • Smart Entry View.
    • Same Spot as Current Media.
    • Custom.
  • Added "Enable Antialiasing" option in the Publish Tab. If this option is enabled, the player quality for desktop will be improved when panoramas in high resolution are played.

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BETA Launch – Try out new FEATURES before anyone else Wed, 13 Jun 2018 21:32:12 +0000 The post BETA Launch – Try out new FEATURES before anyone else appeared first on 3DVista.


We have opened our beta line for 3DVista Virtual Tour PRO to the public. Others limit their circle of beta users to a small elite group, but we've decided to open this line to anyone who wants to keep right at the forefront of progress.

In other words, we are publicly launching a parallel program line which will carry the latest and most innovative functions to be implemented in the official VT PRO version at a later point. You can download and use this VT PRO beta line parallel to your normal VT PRO version: It's a separate program for download but works with your standard license (or as a trial, of course). This way you can test and use cutting-edge technology before anyone else without touching your official VT PRO version at all.

So if you want to be among the first to see what's new and actually apply it to your virtual tours, then click on one of the links below to download the VT PRO beta version.

Our beta versions are stable, but new functions may contain minor bugs, so if you manage to come across one of them, please do report them ("Help" – "Report Bug") so we can fix them as quickly as possible.

32 bits -> Click here
64 bits -> Click 

Mac: Click here

And yes, as you may be able to tell from this as well, we have also just released a 64 bit version of our software, but that makes for another post tomorrow 😉

What exactly is new?

This article announces the general line of VT PRO beta, so everytime we have new functions, there will be an update to the beta (just like to the normal VT PRO software, but earlier). You can think of it as a VT PRO of the future. This first beta version will have the following new (and highly requested) features:

  • Windows: The application now supports 64 bits native version.
  • Added Undo/Redo actions in the new "Edit" menu (beta).
  • Added Stereoscopic Panorama with side-by-side equirectangular format.
  • Added "Caps" for 360º Video.
  • Added "Loop" option for Video.
  • Added "Execute Javascript" action. You can now add custom Javascript code for external services, complex behaviours or interaction with the 3DVista Player API.
  • Added "Show Control Slide" option in Video and 360º Video.
  • Added a time option in the "Video/360º Video" action to play the video from a different time from startup.
  • Added "Open New Video at the current video time" option in the "Video/360 Video" action.
  • Added 3D transition effect between 360º Video and Panoramas if they are mutually connected with hotspots.
  • Added several "Open Media" actions in Panorama/360º Video Caps.
  • Added "On Show" and "On Hide" events for hotspots in 360º Video.
  • The action list shows the media affected in "Open Media" actions.
  • Support for relative URL in the "Open URL" action.
  • Support for the pose information from the panoramas to straighten the horizon. It is useful if you use single shoot cameras with gyroscope.
  • Support several shortcut keys. New shortcut keys will come in future versions.
    • Quit: Ctrl+Q
    • Save: Ctrl+S
    • Save As: Ctrl+May+S
    • New Project: Ctrl+N
    • Undo: Ctrl+Z
    • Redo: Ctrl+Shift+Z o Ctrl+Y
    • Change main Tab: Ctrl+NUMBER
    • Move skin elements: Cursors
    • Move skin elements by offset: Shift+Cursors
  • Support to open a Video or 360º Video in a time determined with the "Video/360 Video" action.
  • Highly improved the export time for Panoramas.
  • Fix Windows 10: The initial splash wasn't centered if Windows had zoom applied.
  • Fix: An error occurred when you imported a Panorama from the Stitcher without a project opened.
  • Other minor issues.

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