Troubleshooting Archives - 3DVista Thu, 07 Apr 2022 12:18:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Troubleshooting Archives - 3DVista 32 32 Important: Beware of applications like "Clean My Mac" or "CCleaner" Wed, 16 Feb 2022 07:24:27 +0000 We recommend VTPro users not to use applications such as "Clean My Mac", "CCleaner" or the like. Since these applications could delete the folders and files of the Projects of your virtual tours. If this happens, unless you have a copy or "Project backups with media", you could lose those tours and not recover them. […]

The post Important: Beware of applications like "Clean My Mac" or "CCleaner" appeared first on 3DVista.

We recommend VTPro users not to use applications such as "Clean My Mac", "CCleaner" or the like. Since these applications could delete the folders and files of the Projects of your virtual tours. If this happens, unless you have a copy or "Project backups with media", you could lose those tours and not recover them.

To learn more about saving projects, read this article: Saving a 3DVista project, creating a Backup with Media and Duplicating your project

The post Important: Beware of applications like "Clean My Mac" or "CCleaner" appeared first on 3DVista.

When using a 3D transition things turn white during the transition (like a bright flash). How can I fix this? Mon, 17 Jan 2022 08:07:59 +0000 The problem is with the graphics card drivers for that Mac. Install the latest version of the drivers and restart the computer. Republish the tour and now the error should not appear.

The post When using a 3D transition things turn white during the transition (like a bright flash). How can I fix this? appeared first on 3DVista.

The problem is with the graphics card drivers for that Mac. Install the latest version of the drivers and restart the computer. Republish the tour and now the error should not appear.

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Troubleshooting for 3DVista Live Guided Tours Wed, 03 Feb 2021 19:00:40 +0000 This is a list of the most common errors and questions related to the 3DVista Live Guided Tours feature: First of all, make sure that the URL of your tour is secure. It needs to be https:// . It will not work on http:// pages Also, those users behind a firewall or corporate network may not be […]

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This is a list of the most common errors and questions related to the 3DVista Live Guided Tours feature:

First of all, make sure that the URL of your tour is secure. It needs to be https:// . It will not work on http:// pages

Also, those users behind a firewall or corporate network may not be able to connect to the Host using the WebRTC protocol. For those cases you will need to use the TURN service provided by 3DVista.

What browsers are Supported?

As Host:
Latest versions of Chrome and Firefox on Windows and Mac OS. Latest versions of Edge (from version 79) on Windows.
On Android in Chrome when enabling Desktop mode (Can be very unstable so we don´t recommend it)

As Guest:
Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Edge (latest versions) on Windows and Mac OS.
Safari on iOS.
Chrome on Android.

For Both:
Incognito mode and guest mode do not work in any browser.

I don´t see the option to connect as a host in the right click menu.

Check this:

  • The browser is among the supported browsers for hosting a guided tour.
  • You give permission when prompted to the webpage to send push notifications.
  • You are accessing the tour through https.
  • You are not in Incognito/Private mode browser window.

I am the Host and I am not receiving call notifications.

Try this:

  • Navigate to your guided tour.
  • Click the lock icon next to the link in the search bar.
  • Click the drop-down menus for "Microphone", "Camera" and "Notifications", and select "Always allow on this site" for all of them.
  • Close all chrome windows.
  • Navigate to your tour again.
  • Start session as host.
  • Open a new browser window in "Incognito Mode"
  • Navigate to your tour on that new window too.
  • Try calling from the "Incognito Mode" window and check if the call appears in the window where you have a host session open.

If the problem continues probably the browser used by the host is not receiving the push notification of the incoming call. This may happen on some network environments, please check this link about the ports required to be opened for push notifications: (Firebase is the Google Service we use for sending push notifications)

I can only connect with audio. It doesn´t show my video:

Try this:

  • Navigate to your guided tour.
  • Click the lock icon next to the link in the search bar.
  • Click the drop-down menus for "Microphone", "Camera" and "Notifications", and select "Always allow on this site" for all of them.
  • Close all chrome windows.
  • Navigate to your tour again.
  • Start session as host.
  • Open a new browser window in "Incognito Mode"
  • Navigate to your tour on that new window too.
  • Try calling from the "Incognito Mode" window and check if the call appears in the window where you have a host session open.

You can also use these tools to test all the steps involved in the WebRTC (the protocol used by our guided tours) video call: or https://test.8×

When I launch my tour from my embedded page then right click to start the share, it reopens my tour at the root instead of staying in my embed.

The tour page can't be in an iframe to work properly for a host so it reopens itself outside the iframe. This is due to the push notifications required to receive calls.

The sharing interface never goes away after initially launching and closing the session.

If you have started a session as a host you'll need to end the session (clicking on the lightning icon) for the guided tour toolbar to disappear.

Permisions don´t work on a tour embedded in another webpage

If your tour is embedded on another website you need to add this code to the HTML page to make sure that the permissions to access the camera and the microphone are granted: allow="fullscreen; accelerometer; gyroscope; magnetometer; vr; camera; microphone"

I can´t hear the audio of my tour when in LGT mode. Why is that?

Of course your audience can hear you, the host, talk. But any audio you place inside your tour is muted by default, so as not to interfere with your voice speaking. If you want your audience to hear audios and sounds you placed in your tour, all you need to do is enable sound for videos from your right click menu.

The post Troubleshooting for 3DVista Live Guided Tours appeared first on 3DVista.

I can´t navigate my virtual tour with the cursors when my tour is embedded in another webpage Mon, 07 Dec 2020 10:08:51 +0000 You'll need give focus to the iframe, you can do it clicking on it or using JavaScript, adding this to the iframe html code:id="vtiframe" onload="document.getElementById('vtiframe').focus()"

The post I can´t navigate my virtual tour with the cursors when my tour is embedded in another webpage appeared first on 3DVista.

You'll need give focus to the iframe, you can do it clicking on it or using JavaScript, adding this to the iframe html code:id="vtiframe" onload="document.getElementById('vtiframe').focus()"

The post I can´t navigate my virtual tour with the cursors when my tour is embedded in another webpage appeared first on 3DVista.
