Tutorials Archives - 3DVista https://www.3dvista.com/de/blog/category/tutorials-de/ Tue, 11 Apr 2023 08:37:29 +0000 de hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.5 https://www.3dvista.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/cropped-favicon_3dvista_new-32x32.png Tutorials Archives - 3DVista https://www.3dvista.com/de/blog/category/tutorials-de/ 32 32 How to put your Tours on your phone or tablet using the 3DVista App (offline) https://www.3dvista.com/de/blog/how-to-save-your-virtual-tours-on-your-mobile-device-or-tablet-using-the-3dvista-app-so-you-can-view-them-offline-android-and-ios/ Fri, 27 May 2022 11:46:52 +0000 https://www.3dvista.com/?p=30546 The post How to put your Tours on your phone or tablet using the 3DVista App (offline) appeared first on 3DVista.

Given the multitude of devices, operating systems used, age, etc. There are many variants of how to do this process, which we have been explaining in successive tutorials. In this post we collect and order all these methods for greater ease of use.

For Tours hosted on Cloud 3DVista:

First of all, let's describe the way of doing it if you have your tours already uploaded to a 3DVista Cloud account. In this case, the process is very simple.

Open your 3DVista App, go to the “Online Tours” section and login with your 3DVista Cloud account. This way all your uploaded tours will appear. Now you just have to press for a few seconds on the thumbnail of the tour that you want to open and a button to download will appear at the top right corner. Click on it, and your tour will start downloading to your device's memory (you can also select multiple tours to download at once). Once finished, it will be available to be played from the “Offline Tours” tab.

Here you can see the process in our video tutorial (until minute 2:40):

For Tours Not Hosted in Cloud 3DVista:

If you use Android (version lower than 11):

For older versions of Android, you can follow the process outlined in our tutorial (from minute 2:40):

If you use Android (Version 11 or higher):

The process is exactly the same as described above, only the folder where the tours are saved should now be this: /Android/data/com.tdv.player.tdv/files/3dvista

For iOS devices (iPhone or iPad) and using MAC version prior to 11:

Please follow the instructions in our tutorial:

For iOS devices (iPhone or iPad) and MAC version 11 or higher:

First, in Virtual Tour Pro, publish your tour using the "Web / Mobile" option and saving the files to a folder on your computer.

Open the Finder and connect your iPhone or iPad to your Mac. The device will be visible in the list on the left under "Locations". Select it and click on the "Files" option from the top list. The 3DVista application should appear here (if you haven't installed it yet you can find it here: 3DVista App).
Now simply drag and drop the tour folder you created in VTPro onto the 3DVista app. This way your tour will be copied to your device. You can now disconnect your device from the computer. Now when entering the 3DVista App, if you click on the "Offline Tours" option, the copied tour will appear and you can view it even without connection.

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E-Learning in Virtual Tours. Managing & Customizing quizzes https://www.3dvista.com/de/blog/e-learning-in-virtual-tours-managing-customizing-quizzes/ Wed, 04 May 2022 12:13:12 +0000 https://www.3dvista.com/?p=29467 The post E-Learning in Virtual Tours. Managing & Customizing quizzes appeared first on 3DVista.


Customize and Manage your Quiz cards and E-learning elements

Learn how you can customize your quiz cards and report windows to have them match the rest of your virtual tour layout, how you can improve e-learning content management and how to pause/resume the overall timer of a quiz tour.

Discover how, with the latest improvements and options added to the program, managing your questions and, above all, customizing the styles of your E-leaning windows (fonts, colors, sizes, etc.) will be very easy and effective.


In this tutorial we explain these new features:

  • Question list and Count to Score list in the "E-Learning" tab.
  • Small Score/Question/Report preview in the "E-Learning" tab.
  • Several options to change the E-Learning style (Upgrade).
  • E-learning Themes to the library. You can save/load/export them (Upgrade).
  • New "E-Learning Timer" action where you can pause and resume the timer (Upgrade).

For more information about these new features, you can review our post about version 2022.1

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Virtual Staging & Design Options for Virtual Tours https://www.3dvista.com/de/blog/virtual-staging-design-options-for-virtual-tours/ Tue, 09 Nov 2021 12:43:14 +0000 https://www.3dvista.com/?p=23086 Make a house a home. The two ways of how to use 3DVista for virtual staging and to create an online configurator with design options for your audience.

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Lease, rent and sell Homes – easier and faster

There's probably no need to dive deep into the explanation of the value that virtual staging has in construction and real estate. The numbers speak for themselves and considering that the purchase of a home is an emotional act, you'll want to fill it with life. After all, an empty house is not a home. A fully immersive virtually staged 360º tour lets you show it in not only its best light, but also in multiple designs that the visitor can choose from.  It allows prospective buyers to walk through the place, change the design and make it "theirs".  Have them explore the space on their own terms on your website or digitally take them by the hand using 3DVista's free Live Guided Tours (in-tour video calls with the realtor). 


Stats Virtual Staging

Visual Configurators – online and in 360º

Beyond just offering the houses on your website for a walk-through, let potential buyers play around with the different design options that you're offering. Present your virtual tours on your website as an interactive configurator, with which they can play around, save and share their drafts with others and even place a direct order with you.


Countertop Material

How to do it

OPTION 1: The old-school way
Creating a tour with virtual staging capabilities for the visitor has been possible in 3DVista VT PRO for a while now. In a nutshell, you'd import different panoramas of the same space with different design options and load one or the other depending on the selection that your audience made in real-time when browsing your tour. Have a look at this tutorial to see what we mean:


Option 2: Projected Image Hotspot – the new Virtual Staging
The more options you offer for one room, the more complicated the combinations of panoramas you had to render and import could get. So to make things easier (and tours less "heavy"), we just launched a completely new hotspot type just for Virtual Staging: The Projected Image Hotspot. This hotspot allows you to import small parts (e.g. the kitchen counter) of your equirectangular panorama and overlay and integrate it smoothly into the spherically displayed 360º panorama or room in VT PRO. You no longer need to import a separate panorama for each combination. Instead, you work with ONE base panorama (or room) and overlay as many elements and designs as you want. Depending on the selection of your audience, one or the other design will be displayed, allowing the user to switch through different floors, wall colors or furniture with a simple click. Have a look:


Want to try it?

Not a 3DVista user yet? Try our free 30-day trial (no credit card required) of the desktop software VT PRO to design and create your own virtual tours. You don't have any 360º content to work with yet? No problem. Just download our demo tours and use them in the software to play around with.

3DVista VT PRO

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Tags https://www.3dvista.com/de/blog/tags/ Thu, 24 Jun 2021 15:37:37 +0000 https://www.3dvista.com/?p=18628 The post Tags appeared first on 3DVista.


In our complete tutorial you will discover all the features of the new "Tags" function, as well as instructions and tricks on how to use them.

The same Tour, different versions, showing or hiding tags in the URL

Once your Tour is published, you can obtain different versions simply by modifying the URL. You can, for example, offer a client a version with a custom skin for him, without having to duplicate and upload a different tour.

You just have to add these parameters in the tour link:

"show-overlays-tags=TAGS" (or "sot=TAGS" as shortcut) and "hide-overlays-tags=TAGS" (or "hot=TAGS" as shortcut)
To show or hide Hotspots that have labels applied.

"show-components-tags=TAGS" (or "sct=TAGS" as shortcut) and "hide-components-tags=TAGS" (or "hct=TAGS" as shortcut)
To show or hide skin elements that have labels applied.

For example, we have our tour with the link https://storage.net-fs.com/hosting/6065265/0/ and we have assigned to various skin elements the tag "brand", and to the prices' hotspots the tag "price". With this new url: https://storage.net-fs.com/hosting/6065265/0/?hct=brand we would have a version of the tour in which the elements tagged with "brand" would not be visible (hiding any reference to the company). And with this other url:https://storage.net-fs.com/hosting/6065265/0/?hot=price we can see the tour without prices. Finally, we can combine both parameters with the letter "&", this would be the example in which we hide both things: https://storage.net-fs.com/hosting/6065265/0/?hct=brand&hot=price


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Video with Chroma https://www.3dvista.com/en/blog/video-with-chroma/ Wed, 23 Jun 2021 13:37:17 +0000 https://www.3dvista.com/video-con-croma/ The post Video with Chroma appeared first on 3DVista.


With the new option to "add chroma" to our videos, we can now insert videos with a transparent background, so that they integrate much better in our tours. This option is now available for videos that are played both in our skin, as in popup videos and in video hotspots (where it has been possible for a while).

The way to do it is very simple, you just have to add a video recorded with a chroma background (usually green or blue) to your tour. Go to the "videos" tab, select the video in question and within the "Settings" sub-tab select the option "Apply Chroma":

Now 3 new parameters are displayed to define the transparency of our video. What it is about is to transform our green background color into a "transparent" color. To do this, the first thing is to define the color that we want to make transparent, we click on the box of the first option "color", then we select the eyedropper and click on an area of our video that contains the background color:

When we do this, all the pixels of the selected color are changed to black in our editor, so that we can see which parts of the background we are "eliminating", but then when we play the video they will remain transparent, revealing the background content.

Next we have two parameters "threshold" and "Smoothing" with which we can expand the area to which the transparency will affect. Moving these sliders we can adjust so that we can eliminate as much as possible the green outline that may remain around our model or video element. You can play the video and adjust the parameters to see how they look while it plays. Depending on the quality of the video and how well the chroma was done in the recording, it will be more or less possible to completely remove those green edges. But do not worry if it is not perfect, because normally after playing the video it tends to hide a bit.

With this we would have our video with transparent background prepared.

To reproduce it as a "floating" element in our skin, we would have to create a specific viewer where it will be reproduced, and create the necessary actions so that it is reproduced automatically when starting the panorama, or through a button, etc …

In the case of wanting to show the video as a Video Popup, you just have to add the action and select the video from the list. Although in the thumbnail we see it with its original green background, when we reproduce it in our tour we will see it with a transparent background, as we define it in its settings.

Similarly, if we want to include our video as a video hostpot, so that it is integrated into our panorama, we just have to add it as usual. The "Apply Chroma" box will be checked with the settings defined above. But the video will play without a background, revealing the panorama from behind.

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Advanced Analytics for 3DVista Virtual Tours https://www.3dvista.com/de/blog/advanced-analytics-for-virtual-tours/ Fri, 19 Mar 2021 13:39:03 +0000 https://www.3dvista.com/?p=12120 Heatmaps and Statistics to track viewer behavior in tours, panoramas and even individual hotspots.

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Track & analyze viewer behavior

Advanced Analytics is one of the features that comes with the (optional) 3DVista Hosting. It allows you to monitor and track the traffic inside your virtual tours with Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and heatmaps across all and within each virtual tour. All you have to do is log on to your personal 3DVista cloud with your credentials  under cloud.3dvista.com.

As you may know, 3DVista gives you absolute freedom in terms of where and how you want to publish and host your virtual tours. Once you created your tour in 3DVista, you can publish it offline or upload it on 3DVista's or any third party server to have it online. One of the advantages of publishing your tour on 3DVista's Hosting servers (apart from the one-click upload) is that you get a bunch of tour analytics along with it – something you'd otherwise have to enable manually or contract separately. 

"85% of the visitors click on the Stove Hotspot when accessing the kitchen"

Global Analytics

These are analytics that describe the totality of all your uploaded virtual tours. How many visits did you get in the last 24 hours, week, month, …? How many people access your virtual tours? Which was the most successful and visited tour of all? What's the average time they spend exploring your tours? Where did the majority of visitors come from? And the list of information you can get here goes on and on… 


 Per-Tour Analytics

Now this section is to really dive in to the details of what's going on inside one tour, one panorama or even one hotspot.  Click on one of the virtual tour thumbnails to enter its detail analytics. Define the timeframe for which you want to see data and knock yourself out analyzing visits, visitors, staying time, clicks and even where people look at.

What's the tour's most visited media? Inside each media, what's the most looked at spot? The most clicked hotspot? How long did people stay inside each room or panorama? Rankings of media, rankings of hotspots, rankings of where your visitors come from… this is heaven for analysts and number-lovers.


Where do people really look? This is probably the crown-jewel of the new analytics tool. The most visual reporting tool, the heatmap is ideal for the analysis of what people find truly interesting when browsing your tours. Is it the art work? Is it a certain product in your virtual showroom? Or is there even an element inside your tour which is largely overlooked and which you should place elsewhere for it to get more attention? Use the heatmap to optimize product placement and marketing or knock your client’s socks off with a detail analysis and visual feedback.

How does it work?

The analytics that come with 3DVista Hosting give you lots and lots of detailed and insightful data about your tour’s traffic and success. It's also the easiest way to enable tracking and statistics for your virtual tours as it’s natively integrated into the program with which you create your tour in the first place. All you have to do is enable "“Enable 3DVista Cloud Analytics” in the publish window right when you publish your virtual tour onto 3DVista Hosting.


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Special Effects for Virtual Tours #1: SNOW https://www.3dvista.com/de/blog/special-effects-in-virtual-tours/ Tue, 29 Dec 2020 19:02:20 +0000 https://www.3dvista.com/?p=8558 Visual Effects for your virtual tours. The first one: Add snow to your scene for a magical story experience.

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A little "Thank You" Feature

It's that time of the year. The time to conclude the year, to pause and reflect, to send greeting cards to your loved ones, to snuggle up at home and dive into christmas stories (and cookies). Yes, winter has arrived in most parts of the world now, and whether or not it is actually cold and snowy on your part of the globe, we still think we could all use a little bit of a "White Christmas" to add some sparkle to our virtual worlds. So that was our gift to you guys this year:   SNOW!

"Adding snow in my panoramas not only helps in telling a story – it actually adds depth and movement to the scene. So simple, but so powerful!"

The new sub tab "FX" – for Visual Effects

Some of you may have noticed: The "Lens Flare" subtab has gone. We renamed it to "FX" in order to add and organize more than just the Lens Flare effect under it. So the addition of our Snow Effect is  the start of a new line, where we will be adding more and more visual and special effects (FX) that you can simply add on top of your normal panoramas, to give it a completely new touch.


 Click below to open the white winter wonderland:

 How to use it

1. Use it with any panorama. Go to the Panorama tab and select the panorama you want to add the effect to.

2. Go to the sub tab "FX" (previously called "Lens Flare").

3. Click "Enabled" under the section "Snow Effect".

4. Use the two parameter sliders to decide whether you want a few, many and fast or slowly moving snow flakes.


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Click & Go Mode https://www.3dvista.com/de/blog/clickandgo/ Mon, 14 Dec 2020 18:19:03 +0000 https://www.3dvista.com/?p=8074 The post Click & Go Mode appeared first on 3DVista.


The new way of moving around

An alternative navigation mode for 3DVista virtual tours, “Click & Go” allows you to move through a tour in a manner that is similar to the typical Street View navigation. It gives an impression of free movement and allows you to eliminate hotspot icons completely without compromising the possibility to move around.

Like navigating in a 3D model, but with photography.

What is "Click & Go"

Click & Go is a navigation mode for virtual tours. It defines the way your visitors will navigate and walk through the tours you create in 3DVista VT PRO. While the existing "normal" navigation mode required icons in the scene that the user had to find and click on to move around, "Click & Go" can work without hotspot icons entirely. That gives a feeling of free movement and does not clutter your scene with fix "Go To" icons. 

Instead of the usual mouse cursor, you have a circle cursor, which becomes active as soon as you get close to a "Go To" hotspot (hotspot action "Open Panorama"). Whenever the cursor detects a possible place to move to, it'll change and grow a small dot to indicate that this is somewhere that the user can click to move to.  In connection with the 3D transition effect between panoramas, this is as close to actual 3D models as you can get with normal photography (or CADs of course).

Instead of having to click on an actual hotspot icon, you can have the scene free from any intrusion and simply click as soon as the cursor indicates that there's somewhere you can go. 


More settings and options to fine-tune

Within the new "Click & Go" mode, you can choose between three visibility options: You can leave your existing hotspot icons in the scene, replace them with small, more subtle circles, or have them invisible altogether (so as to purely navigate using the circle cursor).

With sensitivity you can define how sensitive your mouse cursor should be. The more sensitive, the farther away from the actual Go-to hotspot you can be for it to still indicate that you can click and move there. So the bigger the sensitivity, the bigger the activity radius around a hotspot, and the bigger the impression of free movement. Make it smaller and the user will have to get closer to the hotspot to be able to click and go there.

How to use it

You can either define Click & Go as THE navigation mode for all your tour's visitors, or you can give the option to switch between navigation modes to your audience by means of a button, for instance. Both approaches are explained in our video tutorial, along with the several sub-settings and options you can choose from within the new Click & Go mode. 

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Text To Speech https://www.3dvista.com/de/blog/text-to-speech/ Thu, 12 Nov 2020 13:43:13 +0000 https://www.3dvista.com/?p=7748 The new "Text To Speech" Feature converts any written text inside your virtual tour into spoken words.

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Auto-Narration for Texts

Whether it's to comply with accessibility standards or to complement your tours with alt-text options, narration in virtual tours are more than just a "nice to have". Especially in public tenders, ADA (or similar) compliancy has long been a necessary requirement. But having to create and import dedicated audio versions of your texts to enable visually impaired visitors to experience your essentially very visual virtual tours as well, is a lot of work. Thanks to the new 3DVista "Text To Speech" feature this can now be done automatically: With a few simple clicks, you enable automatic narration of all or certain elements inside your tours – bringing you that significant step closer to compliant tours without the extra effort.

 Include your own little Narrator Robot in your tours.

You can even define its voice (to a certain extent – whether it's a male or a female voice remains a surprise and depends on each end user's device).

One Tick to Rule Them All…

You can apply "Text To Speech" to a category of elements as a whole. It's as simple as ticking the element type that you will want to have read out and any and all of that kind inside the tour will be read out automatically as they appear in the tour. You can do this with Info Windows (the Hotspot Actions) where the text will be read aloud, with E-Learning Quiz Cards, where both questions and answers will be read out and with tooltips, which can help give auditory cues to otherwise visual image content inside the tour (think transparent hotspots with tooltips). 


Ticking tooltips – all tooltips contained in the tour will automatically be read aloud to the visitor as they appear (e.g. upon hovering over a button). Ticking info windows – any and all info windows contained in your tour which contain text, will have that text read aloud when they're being opened. So ticking these boxes will apply "Text To Speech" generally to all those elements inside the tour.

Narration just for the Select Few

You can also assign "Text To Speech" to dedicated, individual elements inside a tour. Whether it is a certain skin element (think buttons) or even a media as a whole. Using the "Text" Option inside the "Text To Speech" Action, you can even type in a text right there and then, which will be read out to the user, but will not otherwise appear as written text in the tour. Great for a welcome message upon entering a panorama or an auditory explanation of the currently displayed scene.

So, how is it done?

We recorded a video tutorial to show you step by step how to apply and work with the new "Text To Speech" – Automatic Narration function.

This is a game-changer not only in terms of Web accessibility, where alt text options are essential for people with disabilities, such as blindness or dyslexia. Content can be read aloud for people who prefer to listen, for example, while navigating the tour rather than having to stop and read a whole lot of text. And particularly in VR headsets, this function will make the experience much more comfortable considering that those devices are definitely not made to be reading texts on. So having that text read out to you aloud, gives a richer experience, not only to the visually impaired. We hope you like it 😉

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Live Guided Tours with TURN Service https://www.3dvista.com/de/blog/live-guided-tours-with-turn-service/ Fri, 24 Jul 2020 10:57:27 +0000 http://blog.3dvista.com/?p=1219 So as not to leave anyone behind, no matter their firewall or network restrictions.

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Remember the big launch of our Live Guided Tour feature? It turned out to be definitely one of our superstar features. As you know, it was our big goal to keep this a free tool for everybody. So that's how we developed it: Using tech that allowed us to offer it at no cost to you and your tour guests.

Nonetheless, there were some users whose networks kept them from being able to access the free Live Guided Tour technology. Especially corporate networks and users behind strict firewalls found themselves unable to use our Peer-to-Peer technology. While statistically, that was only about 10-15% of all users (guests and hosts combined), we wanted to find a solution for them too. That's why we have developed this new TURN service for Live Guided Tours, which is based on relay servers. Without getting too technical, it basically lets you connect that specific user who was having issues connecting through the free Peer-to-Peer based Live Guided Tour tech. That could have been any of your session's guests, or even you, the host, if you were behind a strict firewall.

This new service is using external relay servers and comes with a subscription model. Here's how it works: You subscribe to one of the TURN Live Guided Tour plans, which will give you a certain amount of monthly bandwidth (10GB, 20GB, 50GB, 100GB). When hopping on a Live Guided Tour with guests, the system will always call the free Live Guided Tour tech first. If nobody has issues connecting, it'll only use the free Peer-to-Peer tech on your 3DVista Live Guided Tours. As soon as the system detects that there's a user (you or any of your guests) struggling to connect through the free Peer-to-Peer connection, it will automatically connect them through the TURN server. Only then will it consume the bandwidth contracted by you and only for that user's video and/or audio signal. That's saving you bandwidth and having to contract unnecessarily big TURN plans.

Questions & Answers

Which data is affected by the TURN plans?

If I have a lot of videos in a tour, is this data also routed through the TURN server? Will this count against my TURN bandwidth?

No. Your TURN bandwidth will not be used by the virtual tour itself. Everyone will see your tour as usual (through your tour's hosting). The TURN bandwidth will only be used for the audio and/or little video squares (if used) of your session's guests (and only those that cannot get through with the free p2p version). So if you don't have problematic users at all, none of the bandwidth gets used at all.

So, which plan's the right one for me?

We know you're gonna want to know this: How much bandwidth does this all take? The answer is (as you may expect): It depends. It depends on whether your ("problematic") user connects with video or audio only or even none of them (silent mode). It depends on that user's camera settings, so if his or her camera settings are set to high quality and high frame rate, it will consume more bandwidth than with lower quality settings. Many parameters that are hard to control or anticipate.

As one little reference: In our tests, one hour of video bandwidth with a user consumed between 700Mb's and 1GB. But, again, take that with a pinch of salt.

Don’t worry if you’re dealing with big tours: The tour size is irrelevant when selecting a TURN plan as the TURN bandwidth only gets counts against the audio/camera signal of your "problematic" users.

To read more about the different plans and to get your TURN service, click here.

Where can I see how much of the contracted bandwidth I have used up already?

In cloud.3dvista.com (available as of July 31st 2020) there's an indicator bar showing you how much bandwidth you have left for the month and you can also directly upgrade to a bigger plan if you consider it necessary.


3DVista will also send you two notification emails: One as soon as you reach 50%, and a second as soon as you reach 80% of your monthly TURN bandwidth. This gives you the option to react and upgrade your plan if you expect to surpass your monthly total. Remember that 3DVista will not upgrade or charge you automatically.

Can I get several TURN plans? One for each customer?

Absolutely. You can either get one TURN plan for all of your tours and customers combined or you can separate them and purchase individual TURN plans for individual customers or tours. That way, you can monitor the usage of each customer in more detail and potentially upgrade (and charge) those who surpass their initial plan accordingly. If you get one TURN plan, you currently won't be able to see which tour consumed which amount of bandwidth – it's going to be one global bandwidth bar for all of your tours. When using several TURN plans, make sure you insert the respective account data in the TURN section of the publish window inside each tour.

Insert TURN account in the Publish Window

Can I still host my tours on my own server?

Yes, absolutely. That does not change.
It doesn't matter where your virtual tour is hosted (whether on 3DVista hosting or any other external hosting service of your choice). You will be able to use both the free and the TURN Live Guided Tour features alike -wherever your tour "sits".

Still having trouble?

It's important to note that the possession of a TURN plan, does not mean that the technical requirements don't apply. TURN or no TURN, a user's camera won't turn on unless they give permission in their browser! So double check the trouble shooting if any of your guests (or you) encounter any problems.

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