Без категории Archives - 3DVista https://www.3dvista.com/ru/blog/category/%d0%b1%d0%b5%d0%b7-%d0%ba%d0%b0%d1%82%d0%b5%d0%b3%d0%be%d1%80%d0%b8%d0%b8/ Wed, 13 Dec 2023 11:46:13 +0000 ru-RU hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.5 https://www.3dvista.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/cropped-favicon_3dvista_new-32x32.png Без категории Archives - 3DVista https://www.3dvista.com/ru/blog/category/%d0%b1%d0%b5%d0%b7-%d0%ba%d0%b0%d1%82%d0%b5%d0%b3%d0%be%d1%80%d0%b8%d0%b8/ 32 32 Variants in 3D models https://www.3dvista.com/en/blog/variants-for-3d-models/ Thu, 13 Jul 2023 06:08:19 +0000 https://www.3dvista.com/?p=37146 The post Variants in 3D models appeared first on 3DVista.


Same Geometry, Different Materials

In today's article, we want to highlight a feature that can significantly improve how we visualize and present our 3D models: the Variants.

This powerful feature allows us to present different materials for an object, always preserving the same geometry, which makes it possible to see various versions or finishes of a product.

Moreover, using variants helps us keep our model as compact as possible, avoiding having to duplicate objects just to change their color or texture. This allows for better optimization of our tour, maintaining proper performance, which translates into better visualization, speed, and fluidity of movements.

Follow the tutorial to see step-by-step the necessary actions both in the preparation part of our 3D model, as well as the subsequent management of the variants in VTPro.

We encourage you to explore this tool and personally experience how it can enrich your own projects.

Some examples to see it live:

3D Variants / Chair
3D Variants / Sneakers

More information:

For older versions of Blender, you can download the addon for Variant support for the glTF format here: https://github.com/takahirox/glTF-Blender-IO-materials-variants

Related link: https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF/tree/main/extensions/2.0/Khronos/KHR_materials_variants

More information about the possibilities of the glTF 2.0 format: https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/addons/import_export/scene_gltf2.html

The post Variants in 3D models appeared first on 3DVista.

Putting the 3D into 3DVista https://www.3dvista.com/ru/blog/putting-the-3d-into-3dvista/ Tue, 24 Jan 2023 12:20:34 +0000 https://www.3dvista.com/blog/putting-the-3d-into-3dvista/ The post Putting the 3D into 3DVista appeared first on 3DVista.


Мы очень рады представить самое большое обновление с момента запуска VT PRO более десяти лет назад:

Виртуальные туры 3DVista теперь поддерживают 3D-модели!

3DVista всегда была в авангарде отрасли, привнося некоторые уникальные функции, которые, как нам хотелось бы верить, отличали наше программное обеспечение от других. Сегодняшнее объявление представляет собой еще одну, если не самую важную веху. Наконец, мы можем объявить, что наши туры теперь в 3D. С последним обновлением VT PRO вы сможете добавлять и использовать 3D-модели в формате GLB и GLTF и предлагать своим посетителям максимально реалистичные впечатления.

Мы очень усердно работали над созданием максимально полного и мощного редактора 3D-моделей. Речь шла не просто об импорте объекта и его переворачивании, а о возможности создания интерактивного пространства внутри и снаружи, интегрируя его с уже знакомыми вам опциями VT PRO. Таким образом, все функции, которые уже были в VT PRO и которые вы знаете из своих 360-градусных медиа, теперь также могут быть применены к 3D-моделям: интерактивные горячие точки на модели, действия, которые управляют моделью из элементов кожи, бесшовная интеграция с остальными медиа для разрешить «ходить» по пространству и т. д.

Но это не все… Мы также добавили редактор, который позволяет вам управлять окружением модели (будь то 360º или фиксированный фон), светом и тенями, которые она отбрасывает, анимацией, текстурами и многим другим.

Мы подготовили следующие две демонстрации, которые охватывают большую часть предлагаемых новых возможностей, чтобы дать вам представление об имеющихся у вас возможностях. Вместе с соответствующими видеоуроками вы сможете шаг за шагом увидеть, как были построены эти туры. Нажмите на них, чтобы открыть. (Мы будем постепенно добавлять новые демонстрации и более конкретные руководства).

3D Model Demo — Orbital Mode
3D Model of a Place — Fly Over Mode

Раскрытие возможностей цифровых двойников

Использование 3D-моделей в виртуальных турах часто называют технологией «цифрового двойника». Благодаря включению в виртуальные туры подробных и точных 3D-моделей объектов и сред реального мира пользователи могут испытать уровень реализма и интерактивности, который ранее был невозможен. Это дает широкий спектр преимуществ в самых разных отраслях, от архитектуры и недвижимости до производства и образования.

Одним из ключевых преимуществ использования 3D-моделей в виртуальных турах является возможность демонстрировать свойства, продукты или другие активы гораздо более реалистично и убедительно. Например, архитекторы могут создавать виртуальные туры по своим проектам, что позволяет клиентам исследовать здания так, как если бы они уже были построены. Или создайте альтернативные варианты, чтобы пользователь мог настроить их по своему вкусу. Агенты по недвижимости могут создавать виртуальные туры, которые дают потенциальным покупателям точное представление о планировке, характеристиках и отделке дома еще до того, как они ступят внутрь. А производители могут создавать виртуальные туры, которые позволяют клиентам изучить их продукцию и увидеть все детали, такие как материалы и внутренние компоненты, до совершения покупки.

Еще одним преимуществом 3D-моделей в виртуальных турах является возможность создавать интерактивные и иммерсивные впечатления, которые вовлекают пользователей на более глубоком уровне. Например, преподаватели могут создавать виртуальные туры по научным или историческим местам, которые позволяют учащимся исследовать, изучать и взаимодействовать с окружающей средой так, как это не могут сделать традиционные учебники или лекции. А исследователи могут создавать виртуальные туры по археологическим памятникам, что позволяет им изучать и анализировать данные более интуитивно понятным и эффективным способом.

Получение 3D-моделей для виртуальных туров становится проще и доступнее, чем когда-либо прежде. Формат GLB, расшифровывающийся как GL Transmission Format, представляет собой формат файлов для 3D-моделей, основанный на стандарте glTF и поддерживаемый широким спектром программного обеспечения для 3D-моделирования и анимации. С ростом популярности инструментов 3D-сканирования, фотограмметрии и CAD (автоматизированного проектирования) теперь можно относительно легко создавать подробные и точные 3D-модели реальных объектов и сред.


3DVista рада представить эту мощную новую функцию в нашем программном обеспечении VT Pro, и мы считаем, что она может революционизировать то, как мы используем виртуальные туры в различных отраслях. Независимо от того, являетесь ли вы архитектором, агентом по недвижимости, преподавателем, маркетинговым/рекламным агентством, мультимедийным художником, отраслевым менеджером, исследователем и т. д., возможность беспрепятственно включать 3D-модели в виртуальный опыт поможет вам продемонстрировать свою работу, общаться свои идеи и вовлекайте свою аудиторию новыми и захватывающими способами.

Если вы заинтересованы в изучении всех возможностей этой функции, не стесняйтесь обращаться к нам, и мы с радостью поможем вам создать для вас идеальный виртуальный тур.

The post Putting the 3D into 3DVista appeared first on 3DVista.

How to put your Tours on your phone or tablet using the 3DVista App (offline) https://www.3dvista.com/ru/blog/how-to-save-your-virtual-tours-on-your-mobile-device-or-tablet-using-the-3dvista-app-so-you-can-view-them-offline-android-and-ios/ Fri, 27 May 2022 11:46:52 +0000 https://www.3dvista.com/?p=30546 The post How to put your Tours on your phone or tablet using the 3DVista App (offline) appeared first on 3DVista.

Given the multitude of devices, operating systems used, age, etc. There are many variants of how to do this process, which we have been explaining in successive tutorials. In this post we collect and order all these methods for greater ease of use.

For Tours hosted on Cloud 3DVista:

First of all, let's describe the way of doing it if you have your tours already uploaded to a 3DVista Cloud account. In this case, the process is very simple.

Open your 3DVista App, go to the “Online Tours” section and login with your 3DVista Cloud account. This way all your uploaded tours will appear. Now you just have to press for a few seconds on the thumbnail of the tour that you want to open and a button to download will appear at the top right corner. Click on it, and your tour will start downloading to your device's memory (you can also select multiple tours to download at once). Once finished, it will be available to be played from the “Offline Tours” tab.

Here you can see the process in our video tutorial (until minute 2:40):

For Tours Not Hosted in Cloud 3DVista:

If you use Android (version lower than 11):

For older versions of Android, you can follow the process outlined in our tutorial (from minute 2:40):

If you use Android (Version 11 or higher):

The process is exactly the same as described above, only the folder where the tours are saved should now be this: /Android/data/com.tdv.player.tdv/files/3dvista

For iOS devices (iPhone or iPad) and using MAC version prior to 11:

Please follow the instructions in our tutorial:

For iOS devices (iPhone or iPad) and MAC version 11 or higher:

First, in Virtual Tour Pro, publish your tour using the «Web / Mobile» option and saving the files to a folder on your computer.

Open the Finder and connect your iPhone or iPad to your Mac. The device will be visible in the list on the left under «Locations». Select it and click on the «Files» option from the top list. The 3DVista application should appear here (if you haven't installed it yet you can find it here: 3DVista App).
Now simply drag and drop the tour folder you created in VTPro onto the 3DVista app. This way your tour will be copied to your device. You can now disconnect your device from the computer. Now when entering the 3DVista App, if you click on the «Offline Tours» option, the copied tour will appear and you can view it even without connection.

The post How to put your Tours on your phone or tablet using the 3DVista App (offline) appeared first on 3DVista.

Update 2022.0: Media for Multilanguage, New Interface, Notes, Special FX, Audio… https://www.3dvista.com/ru/blog/update-2022-0-media-for-multilanguage-new-interface-notes-special-fx-audio-tab-notifications-and-more/ Fri, 04 Feb 2022 11:49:34 +0000 https://www.3dvista.com/?p=25665 This version comes loaded with features and workflow improvements. Discover them in this post.

The post Update 2022.0: Media for Multilanguage, New Interface, Notes, Special FX, Audio… appeared first on 3DVista.


 The most important additions are:

  •  Multilanguage now supports Audio, Video, 360 Video, Floorplans and Pop up images.
    You can now select different media files for each language you are translating your tour to. So you can have, for example, an English version of a video, and a different version in Chinese, and depending on the language chosen for the tour, one or the other will be displayed.
  • Multilanguage now supports Text Hotspots
    Translate your text hotspots directly in the translation window.
  • New Graphical Interface
    We redesigned the program interface to give it a more up-to-date look and feel. We simplified and reorganized some functions and options for a more intuitive and efficient use.

  • New Rain Special FX
    You may already know the snow effect in 3DVista. Similar to that, you can now add a realistic rain effect to your panoramas as well. This may help you to tell a certain story and to give your tours a more dramatic touch. You can control the color, intensity, speed and opacity for a perfect fit.
    View Sample Tour

Panorama by Mario Carvajal

  • Added Dust effect in the FX subtab for Panoramas
    With this new dust effect, you will get many particles floating around your panorama, adding movement and expressiveness. Ideal for dark and ancient environments, or by exaggerating the effect a little, to achieve slightly more magical and fantastic environments.
    View Sample Tour
  • Added Video Hotspots in 360º Video (DEVELOPMENT SPONSORED by Martin)
    Expand the multimedia possibilities by adding video hotspots to your 360 videos. From the editor, you can even animate their size, position and rotation over time. And apply chroma adjustments, blending, playback control, etc.
  • Video Hotspots resume when moving between Panoramas
    Now when you play a video hotspot in a tour it will continue playing from the same point even when changing panoramas.
  • Subtitles now supported in Video Hotspots
    Subtitles included in a video are now also displayed when the video is played as a Hotspot.
  • Added new 3DVista Notes Option in the Publish Popup
    The new “Notes” tool will allow your audience (e.g. clients, colleagues etc.) to add notes to your published tour and create conversations around them. Similar to a WhatsApp group but associating them to specific elements within the tour. You will all work within the published virtual tour, which means your clients do not need a 3DVista license to participate. They simply access the tour link and start commenting. You will have total control over which users can access these notes, you can categorize them, automate notifications, add multimedia, access via mobile… and much more that we will explain in detail in future posts.
    *Notes is a new optional service that has to be purchased separately.
  • New Audio Tab
    With the new Audio tab you can now more easily manage all the media of this type that you are using in your project. This allows you to use audio like any other media, being able to make individual adjustments, assign labels and add actions to them.
    • Added «Volume» option in Audio. Have more control of your audios being able to adjust the volume level directly here. This way you can avoid editing with external audio programs.
    • Added «Fade Out Time». Fade effects at the end of your audios with the duration you determine. This way your audios will not end abruptly, their volume will gradually decrease until nothing is heard. 
    • Added Actions in Audio at end. Add any type of action that will be executed right at the end of an audio.
  • Added Line Height and Letter Spacing options in the Multiline Text component
    Now you will have more control over your texts. Enlarge or reduce tracking and line spacing to your liking.
  • Notifications appear when a project is loaded or has been uploaded to the 3DVista Cloud.
    We have included a useful notification system within 3DVista VT PRO which will make the program notify you when a project has been loaded or when it has finished publishing. So you can take advantage of those waiting times doing other things, knowing that you will be notified when the processes are finished.
  • Added an action to the close button of a Popup element
    Chain actions. With this new option, you can make closing a popup window automatically launch any other action you choose.

More features:

  • Added «Icon Before Label» option for Buttons in the Skin.
  • Added «Total Score» and «Questions Answered» options in the «Trigger Upon Target» action.
  • Added «Total Score» and «Questions Answered» options in the Progress Bar skin component.
  • Added Search bar in Project tab.
  • Added tag owner type selector in the Project / Tags panel. You can select media, hotspots or skin components.
  • Added Show/Hide Tags icon in Settings tab.
  • Added Autoplay option in 360 Video Settings panel.
  • Renamed Publish tab to Project tab.
  • Moved the Zoom Settings panel content to Panorama Settings panel.
  • You can also use right click to edit the hotspot/component name in the list instead of double click.
  • Fixed an issue with the GSV editor in Apple M1 (reported by Fred, Alain and Norman).
  • Support for Internet Explorer has been removed.

Fixed Updates:

  • Added «Allow Projected Hotspot on Top» option for Projected Hotspots.
  • Fixed an issue with Mac OS 12.1 and the Save As option (reported by Ronald).
  • Fixed an editor issue with the vertical align in Buttons (reported by Ronald).
  • Fixed an issue with MacOS 12.1 where the file selection is freezed.
  • Fixed an issue with the «Show/Hide Hotspots» using tags in the Webframe Hotspble Mobile» option when «Visible on Rollover» is checked for Panot (reported by Ronald and Avi).
  • Fixed an issue with the «Enaorama Hotspots (reported by Dave).
  • Fixed the border radius in Text Hotspots in the preview (reported by Adam).
  • Fixed blurry text in Text Hotspots if the export size was changed (reported by Stefan).
  • Fixed a problem with the Media Control action in the Mobile Skin (reported by Tommy).
  • Increased the resolution in Image Hotspots with the «Apply as Sticker» option disabled avoiding blurriness in Retina displays (reported by Ian).
  • Fixed an issue with 8K 360 videos on Oculus Quest 2 (reported by Tim).
  • Fixed an issue with the hotspot position in the editor with the «Apply as Sticker» option disabled (reported by José).
  • Added Shift + Double Click shortcut in a Hotspot with «Open Media» action to load that media. It avoids the problem with Polygon Hotspots adding/deleting points. Ctrl + Double Click will continue to work for now for the rest of Hotspots.
  • Fixed an issue using bottom vertical alignment in a Text Hotspot (reported by Joe).
  • Fixed the video volume was reset to 1 when the project was loaded (reported by Andres).
  • Fixed the 360 Video can't be deleted in the 360 Video tab since the last version (reported by Willy and Hector).
  • Fixed a small grey border in the Preview for the Projected Image Hotspot. It requires «Project / Clean Cache» in your project.
  • Fixed an issue copying/pasting a Projected Image Hotspot.
  • Added the «Move to Next Image in Group when clicking» option in the Projected Image Hotspot.
  • Fixed an issue with the Projected Image Hotspot where a black background was exported in the preview if the source file wasn't PNG (reported by Edison).
  • Fixed an issue replacing a Panorama with Question Card actions in Hotspots (reported by Álvaro).
  • Fixed an issue with the 3D transition in Polygon Hotspots (reported by Samuel).
  •  Fixed some issues with hotspots in 360 Video.
  • Fixed an editor issue where videos couldn't play on Mac (reported by Andrew and Sean).
  • Fixed an issue with Projected Image Hotspot in partial panoramas (reported by James).
  • Changed the way to move the view clicking in the thumbnail in the Thumbnails left list. You need to press the «Shift» key to change the view.
  • Fixed an issue with the Chroma values being resetted in some circunstances (reported by Sean).
  • Fixed an issue with Radars in Polygon Hotspots for Floorplans (reported by James).
  • Fixed an issue with the Popup Image action applied in a Polygon Hotspot (reported by Igor).
  • Fixed the Scale Mode option in non-sticker hotspots (reported by José Reis).
  • Fixed an issue in Dual Viewers were out of sync when the right viewer was clicked (reported by Mike).
  • Fixed an issue with the Polygon fill color in the editor if you use an opacity lower than 1 (reported by Grayson).
  • Fixed an issue changing values in the Transform Settings panel for Hotspots in 360 Video (reported by Nick).
  • Fixed an issue with the Popup Image action and the initial position in the Preview (reported by Harry).
  • Fixed an issue with the Text Hotspot and its shadow in the Preview (reported by Edward and Tomas).
  • Fixed some errors with the Hotspot Editor.

Want to try it?

This is an update available to all 3DVista users, although some of the features will require a valid Upgrade plan (what's that?).

Not a 3DVista user yet? Try our free 30-day trial (no credit card required) of the desktop software VT PRO to design and create your own virtual tours. You don't have any 360º content to work with yet? No problem. Just download our demo tours and use them in the software to play around with.

3DVista VT PRO

The post Update 2022.0: Media for Multilanguage, New Interface, Notes, Special FX, Audio… appeared first on 3DVista.

Virtual Staging & Design Options for Virtual Tours https://www.3dvista.com/ru/blog/virtual-staging-design-options-for-virtual-tours/ Tue, 09 Nov 2021 12:43:14 +0000 https://www.3dvista.com/?p=23086 Make a house a home. The two ways of how to use 3DVista for virtual staging and to create an online configurator with design options for your audience.

The post Virtual Staging & Design Options for Virtual Tours appeared first on 3DVista.


Lease, rent and sell Homes — easier and faster

There's probably no need to dive deep into the explanation of the value that virtual staging has in construction and real estate. The numbers speak for themselves and considering that the purchase of a home is an emotional act, you'll want to fill it with life. After all, an empty house is not a home. A fully immersive virtually staged 360º tour lets you show it in not only its best light, but also in multiple designs that the visitor can choose from.  It allows prospective buyers to walk through the place, change the design and make it «theirs».  Have them explore the space on their own terms on your website or digitally take them by the hand using 3DVista's free Live Guided Tours (in-tour video calls with the realtor). 


Stats Virtual Staging

Visual Configurators — online and in 360º

Beyond just offering the houses on your website for a walk-through, let potential buyers play around with the different design options that you're offering. Present your virtual tours on your website as an interactive configurator, with which they can play around, save and share their drafts with others and even place a direct order with you.


Countertop Material

How to do it

OPTION 1: The old-school way
Creating a tour with virtual staging capabilities for the visitor has been possible in 3DVista VT PRO for a while now. In a nutshell, you'd import different panoramas of the same space with different design options and load one or the other depending on the selection that your audience made in real-time when browsing your tour. Have a look at this tutorial to see what we mean:


Option 2: Projected Image Hotspot — the new Virtual Staging
The more options you offer for one room, the more complicated the combinations of panoramas you had to render and import could get. So to make things easier (and tours less «heavy»), we just launched a completely new hotspot type just for Virtual Staging: The Projected Image Hotspot. This hotspot allows you to import small parts (e.g. the kitchen counter) of your equirectangular panorama and overlay and integrate it smoothly into the spherically displayed 360º panorama or room in VT PRO. You no longer need to import a separate panorama for each combination. Instead, you work with ONE base panorama (or room) and overlay as many elements and designs as you want. Depending on the selection of your audience, one or the other design will be displayed, allowing the user to switch through different floors, wall colors or furniture with a simple click. Have a look:


Want to try it?

Not a 3DVista user yet? Try our free 30-day trial (no credit card required) of the desktop software VT PRO to design and create your own virtual tours. You don't have any 360º content to work with yet? No problem. Just download our demo tours and use them in the software to play around with.

3DVista VT PRO

The post Virtual Staging & Design Options for Virtual Tours appeared first on 3DVista.

Tours don't work on Safari 15 and iOS 15? https://www.3dvista.com/ru/blog/tours-dont-work-on-safari-15-and-ios-15/ Thu, 23 Sep 2021 18:14:41 +0000 https://www.3dvista.com/?p=21998 The post Tours don't work on Safari 15 and iOS 15? appeared first on 3DVista.

Safari 15

Safari 15 & iOS 15


Having trouble playing your 3DVista virtual tours on Safari 15 and iOS 15? Here's what to do

As some of you may know, the recent launch of Safari 15 and iOS 15 has caused the tours published before September 21 not to work correctly in the latest version of Apple's browser (there is no problem in the rest of the browsers and in Windows, MacOS and Android).

To fix this problem, please follow these steps.


Restart VT PRO… 

… and make sure that the Silent Updates option in the Preferences menu is enabled.


Options Menu for Silent Updates


Case 1.

If you use 3DVista hosting, you need to re-upload the tours by clicking on the «Re-Upload» button.


Reupload Tours

This will make your tours work perfectly again and the re-upload process should be very fast (a few seconds).



Case 2.

If your tours are hosted on your own server, you have two options:

You can republish all your tours and upload them again.

Or if you want a faster method, you can do this:

.- Publish a new tour with the updated version of VT PRO.

.- Then go to the LIB folder of that new tour and copy the file «tdvplayer.js»

.- Paste and overwrite that file in the LIB folder of your tours on your server.


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New on iOS: Multiple videos simultaneously https://www.3dvista.com/ru/blog/new-on-ios-multiple-videos-simultaneously/ Fri, 03 Sep 2021 13:20:24 +0000 https://www.3dvista.com/?p=21507 The post New on iOS: Multiple videos simultaneously appeared first on 3DVista.

play multiple videos simultaneously on iOS

Now on iOS too: Multiple videos play simultaneously

This is one of those updates that is much more relevant than it may seem at first sight. If you're a virtual tour creator you may be familiar with an iOS limitation that seriously compromised the virtual tour experience up to now: iOS devices, such as iPhones or iPads by default, could only play one audio or video file at once.

That meant, that if you had several embedded videos in one panorama (say, one inside the room's TV frame, and one to animate the fire inside the fireplace, or an additional audio file to give an explanation or introduction) only one of those could be played.  This made the iPhone and iPad experience a lot less spectacular than the same virtual tour watched on Windows, Mac or Android devices…. until now!

So how do you play several embedded videos within one room simultaneously on iOS? We found a way and made it possible to play multiple media (audio and/or video) on iOS as well. So anytime you do have several audio or video files within your virtual tour, they not only work on Mac, Windows and Android — they also work by default on iOS now, too. To enjoy this update you just need to download the latest version of VT PRO (currently only in beta) and republish the tour with it.


two videos play

 Don't have the beta version yet? Download it here:

The post New on iOS: Multiple videos simultaneously appeared first on 3DVista.

NEW UPDATE (2021.1) — Tags, chroma for videos, and more. https://www.3dvista.com/ru/blog/new-update-2021-1-tags-chroma-for-videos-and-more/ Tue, 22 Jun 2021 11:31:40 +0000 https://www.3dvista.com/?p=18633 The post NEW UPDATE (2021.1) — Tags, chroma for videos, and more. appeared first on 3DVista.



The most important additions for this new version are the following:


  • Added the new «Tags» function. With it you can organize and group content with common characteristics.
    Select groups of socks, skin elements, hotspots … and apply labels to them for better organization. You can also apply actions to groups of media in bulk, instead of having to do it one by one. It is also possible to customize the urls of the published tours to show or hide certain labels.
  • Added New action «Show / Hide in Media».
    Select an element of the skin and apply this action so that a media or group of media can show or hide this element automatically, both when starting up and when closing. Allows the use of «tags».
  • Apply chroma to videos. Play videos with transparent background inside your skin, popup videos or video hotspots.
    By using chroma you can easily remove the background from your videos, so that they are perfectly integrated into your tour. Create virtual avatars that explain your tour, perfectly integrated into your interface, or play videos that overlap the background tour, creating spectacular effects.

Other minor but very interesting additions:

  • Added the option «Score 0 is incorrect» in the subtab «E-Learning».
  • Added «Time in 3D Transition» option in Publish / Navigation Settings tab.
  • Added «Edge Scrolling Effect» option in Publish / Navigation Settings tab.
  • Added «Enable Interaction» option for Components in Skin Editor.
  • Added the option «Duration (seconds)» for each Waypoint in the Autopilot.
  • Added «Horizontal Alignment» option for title in «Open Info Window» actions.
  • Fixed some minor bugs.

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Choosing a Host in LGT Sessions https://www.3dvista.com/en/blog/let-guests-choose-an-agent-to-talk-to-in-a-live-guided-tour/ Thu, 14 Jan 2021 13:22:44 +0000 https://www.3dvista.com/?p=8752 How to let Guests choose their Host in Live Guided Tour Sessions.

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LGT: Choose your Host

In Live Guided Tours, we know that we can have several hosts at a time. But is there a way to separate the hosts and to let guests choose whom to talk to?

An example: If a guest is interested in Property Development A, they can talk to their representative, agent A, if another guest is interested in Property Development B, then they can select to join Property Developer B's representative agent B. Or another great application is if you have guests from several countries with varying languages: Let them choose their host according to their language and lead them either to agent A who speaks English or agent B who speaks Spanish.

So basically, we want our guests to be able to select their host. 

Yes, it's possible.

In order to mount your own little «call center» you need to have one tour html per channel or agent group. For instance: You can publish the tour twice with two different passwords in the Live Guided Tour section. Once done so, instead of uploading both tours to your server, you can simply copy the html file of one of them to the folder of the other and rename to something like Agent2.html for instance. All the rest of the files can be shared and don't need to be copied. Upload the folder. Now you have 2 different URLs for the same tour, the standard index.html (that you can rename to agent1.html for instance) and agent2.

Depending on the URL used, your visitors will reach one host or another host.

Please notice that if you decide to change the password of one tour, you will need to republish the tour in VT PRO and repeat the process of renaming and copying the html file.


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«Why I made the switch from Kolor to 3DVista» https://www.3dvista.com/ru/blog/kolorto3dvista/ Sun, 03 Jan 2021 16:49:52 +0000 https://www.3dvista.com/?p=8651 An experience report by Dimitri Cassimatis. 11 reasons on why he switched platforms.

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Dimitri Cassimatis is a 360 photographer and virtual tour creator based in Sydney, Australia. He specialises in high-end custom branded virtual tours with his company Simply 360.  As he made the choice to switch his business over to 3DVista in Summer 2020, he kindly offered to write a little experience/impression blog post about his switch that we could publish on our blog. And that's what we did.

These are entirely his words, we have not bribed, convinced or otherwise led him to say certain things 😉 


Kolor to 3DVista – why I made the switch

Ever since Kolor was abruptly shut down in September 2018 many of their users including myself, felt like they were left out in the cold. As a long time user of Kolor products such as Panotour Pro, APG and APV I didn't know where to turn. I was happy with the software, and Panotour Pro still works to this day. After a year and a half, I reached a point where I needed to make a change.

When I did my research, I was looking for a few things in a new virtual tour software solution. I was looking for a solution with a lot of flexibility/options, no ongoing fees, the ability to host the tours locally with a look and feel that made my new/existing tours look fresh and modern.

After comparing 10+ solutions, I ended up deciding on 3DVista. Today I will be explaining my top 11 reasons why I switched to 3DVista. Please note I will be exploring the base package of 3DVista Virtual Tour Pro versus Panotour Pro. I know you can buy additional assets from the 3DVista Marketplace and that you can download plugins for Panotour Pro but to be as fair as possible I will be discussing the features from the base packages.

Before I Begin

I created the virtual tour below using 3DVista Pro to showcase all the points I will be talking about. This way, you can explore the virtual tour made with 3DVista and compare it to your experience with Panotour Pro.

Click here: https://simply360.com.au/blog/portfolio/chifley-college-bidwill-campus-virtual-tour-and-google-street-view/

  • Fresh Layouts And Design With A Mobile/Tablet Focus

The one thing that stood out like a sore thumb was Panotour Pro was heavily focused on desktops. While you can modify your tour to be more mobile-friendly, it wasn't designed to be as mobile-friendly compared to desktops. With 3DVista, I can create my virtual tour for desktop and then have a whole separate layout/design for mobile/tablets that works seamlessly together. 3DVista can preview the tour in various desktop and modern mobile phone screen/tablet resolutions for ultimate visual compatibility.


Exemplary photo provided by 3DVista


  • More Customisation Options

You can customise everything in 3DVista to a more in-depth level than Panotour Pro. While the customisation options are very diverse in Panotour Pro, they are nowhere as nuanced as 3DVista. Panotour Pro has more of a global setting and can create multiple types of hotspot configurations. With 3DVista, you can customise each hotspot, infobox and all assets individually as well (shape, icon, function and more).

  • Automagical Viewpoints

One of my standard practices when making a virtual tour in Panotour Pro was to link the panos together and then adjust the viewpoints when going from pano to pano. With 3DVista when you position and link the panos relative to each other, the orientation automagically works. I didn't have to spend time on this, and it cut down my workflow plus the result feels more natural when going from pano to pano.


  • Google Street View Integrated

Many virtual tour professionals are also street-view photographers. When you export the tour, you also have the option to upload the tour onto Google Maps. You usually do this through the street view app or pay for an independent solution. With 3DVista, I can achieve both the tour and street view aspect at the same time. It's a nice touch and very easy to use.

3DVista Virtual Tour Pro has an impressive selection of export options.


Exemplary photo provided by 3DVista


  • Text Hotspots

One feature I have always wanted in Panotour Pro was text hotspots. For whatever reason, this was never an option. I would have to edit the pano and bake in the text using Photoshop or make a clickable hotspot to make text pop-up. Text hotspots is a feature I have been looking for a long time and should have been available in Panotour Pro from the start.

Text Hotspots in Virtual Tours

 Exemplary Photo provided by 3DVista

  • 360 Video Export Feature

An exciting feature of 3DVista is the ability to export your tour as a 360 Video. This is excellent for social content on Facebook and YouTube. It's great for clients either as a value-add to your service or an onsell.


  • Fun Interactive Elements

There are a lot of fun interactive elements in 3DVista which are not available in Panotour Pro. The Nadir (known as Tripod Caps in 3DVista) can now interact with your hand/mouse movements. The Auto Pilot Feature gives a curated look at all the hotspots you wish to focus on. I don't just mean auto-rotate then go to next pano. I mean full directional control from spot to spot with momentum and inertia effects which is very easy to achieve and set up.

Virtual Tour with Auto Pilot
  • Animated Hotspots

Panotour Pro offered a wide array of customisable hotspot options, however by today they look dated. 3DVista offers a wide variety of hotspots for every purpose. What's awesome is that many of them are animated. You can control many aspects, including the tripod cap to be animated. 


  • Customer Service & Community

One unexpected feature isn't the software but the customer support. The tour featured in this blog was made over a few days. This was because my client was still sending me content, plus I was still getting my head around the software. I engaged the staff at 3DVista who were very responsive (in some cases had solutions within the hour) but also a very helpful and active community. Customer service isn't a feature you can buy but have to experience first hand. In one instance, I mentioned an idea to the 3DVista team and it was implemented within 48 hours.


  • Updated Code

The most important reason why I changed was because of the code in Panotour Pro was outdated. As mentioned in the beginning that my copy of Panotour Pro, APG & APV still work fine, but after a year and a half some clients started to take notice. I have a major client who is a big cinema company in Australia. They liked my work, but they ran the virtual tour I created with Panotour Pro through their security and compliance checker.

The General Manager for e-commerce spoke with me and advised that some of the scripts used by the tour were very outdated by a few years. My client ended up manually updating the scripts so my virtual tour could work within their compliance. For most people, this is not an issue, but for many high profile companies where online security and online transactions take place, this is important. I had to make sure moving forward that my tours upheld not just in their looks but also in the back end. I did not want to reach a point where my tours were no longer useable, and 3DVista was the solution.


  • Discount Just For Being A Panotour Pro User

Did you know that if you are an existing Panotour user, you can get 10% off? Simply contact 3DVista and show that you have a valid Panotour Pro licence and you will receive 10% off the purchase price. This made the switch much easier.

Please, contact us at sales@3dvista.com.

These are my top reasons for switching over to 3DVista Virtual Tour Pro from Kolors Panotour Pro, and there are more. Like most software packages, there is a learning curve in the beginning, and some of the terminologies are different (EG Galleries are Albums, and Nadir / Zenith are called Tripod Cap/ Ceiling Cap). After a few days of learning and looking over 3DVistas constantly updated online video tutorials, I realised I can do more with 3DVista than I ever could with Panotour Pro and I am very happy with my choice.

The post «Why I made the switch from Kolor to 3DVista» appeared first on 3DVista.
