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Using our free 3DVista mobile (Android or Apple) and VR apps (Oculus Quest and HTC Vive Focus 3), it's been possible to download your 3DVista virtual tours onto a mobile phone or VR headset for a while now. But we have just now released a new app system that allows anyone to download your virtual tour straight when running it. In Windows and Android, this will create a separate little app with app icon on your home screen, which when being clicked will run your tour in full screen and without internet connection. No need to search or  purchase any app from the app stores.


From your own servers

So, there's a brand new and much easier way of downloading your virtual tours onto computers and Android phones. And the best news is: It works no matter where you host your tours. It is therefore NOT limited to 3DVista hosting.

Another good news is that this way, there's no download size limit (apart from the actual storage space on your device obviously 😉

An app that runs on full screen and lightning fast

Whether for class rooms, sales shows, expos or remote demonstrations far from a reliable internet connection — offline virtual tours come in handy in a number of occasions, especially when you show them over and over from the same device. Downloading them onto your Computer, Laptop or Android phone will not only make you independent from a decent internet connection, it'll also make your tours load lightning fast.

All you have to do to enable this download option for anyone visiting your tour is: In 3DVista Virtual Tour PRO, enable the virtual tour for Download. Click on the Publish button (bottom right) and in the Publish pop-up window, select:


That's it on the author's side. Now, in order to download the tour, you need to use Chrome or Edge. Check out our video tutorial on how to enable your tours for download and use as an offline app.

Still running into problems trying to download the tour onto your device? Check the following:

  • Did you use Chrome on Computers and Android devices?
  • Make sure you use https:// rather than http:// in the tour's URL
  • Make sure you access the tour with the full URL of the html file (/index.htm or /index.html) and do not rename the html file after publishing it to VT Pro.

The post How to play your virtual tours offline using PWA (Progressive Web Apps) appeared first on 3DVista.

How firms deploy VR to increase productivity https://www.3dvista.com/ru/blog/how-firms-deploy-vr-to-increase-productivity/ Mon, 03 Sep 2018 11:33:15 +0000 https://3dvistanews.wordpress.com/?p=244 The post How firms deploy VR to increase productivity appeared first on 3DVista.


If you could change just one thing about your company that would increase employee productivity by over 200%¹, would you do it? Yes, of course, you would!

standing woman beside two men in front of laptop computer

Photo by rawpixel.com on Pexels.com

But you’re probably thinking that, in order to have that kind of impact, such a change would be extremely complicated and costly, right? You would be mistaken. It turns out, all you need to do is more of what you’re already doing: training and developing your employees. 

So, what's the deal then? Where does the potential lay?

It's not only about the amount of training you offer. It's about its quality and how you manage to make that content stick. How you make it transferrable and applicable to your employees' actual activities. Uninspiring content is the number one barrier to learning.

According to a 24×7 learning survey, only 12% learners implement what they learn from training that they receive on their jobs. This shows that the training programs are not designed with a practical approach in mind.²

The best way to making it easier for your employees to apply what they learned is to make it as proactive and real as possible. Luckily, there's a a technology called Virtual Reality which allows us to immerse our learners into custom situations, while keeping costs under control. VR solves several of the problems that so far inhibit taking full advantage of corporate training:

smiling woman using virtual reality headset

Photo by rawpixel.com on Pexels.com

  • VR is interesting. Its gamification factor keeps the learner's attention and engagement high, resulting in better learning.
  • VR experiences immerse the learner into his actual working place. This facilitates transfer of what's learnt onto the real activity.
  • VR is highly scalable while being customizable. Where with instructor-led training, costs increase exponentially when growing your scenarios and applications, with VR you can adapt and apply the content to be learnt to your audience's work field with ease.

VR makes your learning experiences more practical, more realistic and more interesting -three factors that heavily influence the return you will get on your training activities. Increased attention and realism make it easier to transfer what's learnt onto the real-life activities that your learners do in your company.

Sweet side effects

Effective training not only makes your employees more skilled and productive, it also makes them happy! Employee satisfaction grows with the number of trainings they are exposed to. A survey revealed that 70% of employees say that job-related training and development directly influences the employee’s decision to stay with a company or not. 53% of HR professionals consider retaining top talent their top priority.²

PwC estimates the cost of losing an employee in the first year to be up to three times the person's salary.² So, make sure that them sticking around is a priority!

Ineffective trainings make businesses lose $13.5 million each year for every 1000 employees². That’s a lot of money, right. In order to save some of these resources from flushing down the drain, it is important to ensure the effectiveness of corporate training.

VR is key to delivering holistic, hands-on training experiences that make it easier for employees to understand and implement the knowledge gained through corporate training. It's your ticket to making sure your investment in knowledge pays off.

Allowing the simulation of both CAD-based hypothetic and photography-based real-life environments, 3DVista software is used for VR training by the Army, Police and Government, NGOs, Universities and companies for their production and management workforce alike.

Photo Credits: ESA,CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

Contact us to find out if and what gear you need and use our free 30 days trial to see how VR teaching can help you get the most out of your workforce.


¹ Employee Development http://pinnacledg.com/category/employee-development/page/12

² «10 Astonishing Corporate Training Statistics and What You Can Learn From Each», Muneeb Qadar Siddiqui. http://www.yourtrainingedge.com/10-astonishing-corporate-training-statistics-and-what-you-can-learn-from-each/

The post How firms deploy VR to increase productivity appeared first on 3DVista.
