FAQs Archives - 3DVista https://www.3dvista.com/en/kb/tag/faqs/ Wed, 03 Jul 2024 06:23:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.5 https://www.3dvista.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/cropped-favicon_3dvista_new-32x32.png FAQs Archives - 3DVista https://www.3dvista.com/en/kb/tag/faqs/ 32 32 Why are my models sometimes not displayed correctly, I only see part of them, as if they were cut or some parts seem to flicker when I move the camera? https://www.3dvista.com/en/kb/faqs/3d-faqs/why-are-my-models-sometimes-not-displayed-correctly-i-only-see-part-of-them-as-if-they-were-cut-or-some-parts-seem-to-flicker-when-i-move-the-camera/ Mon, 29 Apr 2024 10:14:57 +0000 https://www.3dvista.com/?post_type=epkb_post_type_1&p=39060 In most cases, that display issue may be due to the scale of your original 3D model.We have an option in VTPro that can solve this, it would be within the advanced camera settings, deactivate the "Calculate Near/Far Plane automatically" option and adjust those values by hand, testing until you find the appropriate ones so […]

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In most cases, that display issue may be due to the scale of your original 3D model.
We have an option in VTPro that can solve this, it would be within the advanced camera settings, deactivate the "Calculate Near/Far Plane automatically" option and adjust those values by hand, testing until you find the appropriate ones so that your model is displayed correctly.

If this first option does not solve the problem, we recommend opening your model in any 3D program, for example Blender (free software), scaling it to reduce it, and exporting it again to open it in VTPro.

Finally, remember that in the case of flickering, it may also be an error in the model, this would be that on one plane there is another superimposed just above, so that when viewed, sometimes the upper plane is shown and sometimes times the lower one alternatively. This is something that must also be solved in a 3D program, by eliminating one of the planes, or separating something else from each other.

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Can I Archive, Finish or Download my notes at the end of a project? https://www.3dvista.com/en/kb/faqs/notes/can-i-archive-finish-or-download-my-notes-at-the-end-of-a-project/ Wed, 03 Aug 2022 10:16:20 +0000 https://www.3dvista.com/?post_type=epkb_post_type_1&p=33709 When a Note is finished and you don't need to continue the conversation about it, you have different options to manage it. These options (and others) are accessible from the "settings" icon (the 3 dots): First of all you can "Archive" the note. With this, the note will be "invisible" and you will not see […]

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When a Note is finished and you don't need to continue the conversation about it, you have different options to manage it.

These options (and others) are accessible from the "settings" icon (the 3 dots):

First of all you can "Archive" the note. With this, the note will be "invisible" and you will not see it neither as an element on the panorama, nor in the list of notes in the left panel. You can always "unarchive" it or allow unarchived notes to be visible:

You can also "Mark as solved" (only if you are the creator of the note, or you are an administrator). With this option, the note is finished, it will be inactive and nobody will be able to write on it anymore. This option is reversible:

Lastly, regarding the download, although it is not possible to completely download the note, it is possible to download all its uploaded multimedia material (photos, videos, documents, etc). You just have to click on the gray download icon in the lower right corner of each media:

For greater convenience, you can enter the "Multimedia" option where you can find all this material compiled and ordered by type of Media:

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Although adjusting and aligning a hotspot on a panorama well, then in the preview it does not show correctly https://www.3dvista.com/en/kb/faqs/publishing-sharing/although-adjusting-and-aligning-a-hotspot-on-a-panorama-well-then-in-the-preview-it-does-not-show-correctly/ Tue, 02 Aug 2022 07:03:36 +0000 https://www.3dvista.com/?post_type=epkb_post_type_1&p=33464 In some panoramas, there seems to be a discrepancy between the position of a hotspot on the panorama as I view it in the program editor and the result shown in the preview. Why is this happening? This issue occurs when the panorama is not in full aspect ratio or 2:1 format. To avoid this, […]

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In some panoramas, there seems to be a discrepancy between the position of a hotspot on the panorama as I view it in the program editor and the result shown in the preview. Why is this happening?

This issue occurs when the panorama is not in full aspect ratio or 2:1 format. To avoid this, you only have to use panoramas with that 2:1 aspect ratio (for example 6000x3000px).

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How to add a google map to a virtual tour https://www.3dvista.com/en/kb/faqs/media-types-and-settings/how-to-add-a-google-map-to-a-virtual-tour/ Mon, 01 Aug 2022 11:49:03 +0000 https://www.3dvista.com/?post_type=epkb_post_type_1&p=33425 Add a container to your skin to contain the Google Map and name it MapContainer. Add an “Execute JavaScript” action to MapContainer to be executed “On Show” and enter a code like this (filling the config part as explained below): Filling the config part of the code apiKey You’ll need to get a Google Maps […]

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Add a container to your skin to contain the Google Map and name it MapContainer.

Add an “Execute JavaScript” action to MapContainer to be executed “On Show” and enter a code like this (filling the config part as explained below):

var config = {
   centerLat: 40.7590927,
   centerLng: -73.9736084,
   zoom: 13,
           lat: 40.748421,
           lng: -73.985517,
           toolTip: 'Go to panorama A',
           mediaName: 'Panorama A'
           lat: 40.757927,
           lng: -73.985559,
           toolTip: 'Go to panorama B',
           mediaName: 'Panorama B'
var player = this;
var mapContainer = player.getComponentByName('MapContainer');
if (mapContainer.get('children').length == 0)
   var html = player.createInstance('HTMLText');
   html.set('width', '100%');
   html.set('height', '100%');
   html.set('html', [
       '<div id="map" style="position:relative;"></div>',
       '<script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=' + config.apiKey + '&callback=initMap" async defer></script>'
   html.bind('resize', resize);
   mapContainer.set('children', [html]);
   var map;
   window.initMap = function ()
       map = document.getElementById('map');
       var gmap = new google.maps.Map(map, {center: {lat: config.centerLat, lng: config.centerLng}, zoom: config.zoom, streetViewControl: false, fullscreenControl: false});
           var gmarker = new google.maps.Marker({position: {lat: marker.lat, lng: marker.lng}, map: gmap, title: marker.toolTip});
           gmarker.addListener('click', function() { player.setMainMediaByName(marker.mediaName); });
   function resize()
       if (!map)
       map.style.width = html.get('actualWidth') + 'px';
       map.style.height = html.get('actualHeight') + 'px';

Filling the config part of the code


You’ll need to get a Google Maps JavaScript API key, please follow the steps described here: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/get-api-key

If you restrict your API key to the URL of your tour, as advised on the link, and you want the map to appear on the preview you’ll need to add http://localhost:8000/index.htm?* to the Website restrictions list.

Please make sure you enclose the API key between quotes in the config:

   apiKey: 'abc123abc'

centerLat and centerLng

These are the coordinates where the map center will be displayed.

You can get the coordinates of a place as explained here: https://support.google.com/maps/answer/18539


This is the zoom level of the map. It is an integer value, the minimum value is 0, which will display the whole world, the maximum value varies depending on where the map is centered. You can start with a value of 10 and try increasing and decreasing it according to your needs.


This is a list of the marks (the red icon) linked to the tour media that you want to display on the map. You’ll have to fill the latitude and longitude of the marker (lat and lng field), the tooltip that will be displayed while hovering the icon (toolTip field) and the name of the media as it appears in VT Pro (mediaName field).

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How to refresh a thumbnail in social networks https://www.3dvista.com/en/kb/faqs/publishing-sharing/how-to-refresh-a-thumbnail-in-social-networks/ Mon, 27 Jun 2022 06:06:33 +0000 https://www.3dvista.com/?post_type=epkb_post_type_1&p=31653 Sometimes when publishing a tour on social networks like Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn the thumbnail shown is not the one that we currently have defined in VT PRO. These social networks have their own cache so if we published the link before we may need to refresh the cache so it takes the more recent […]

The post How to refresh a thumbnail in social networks appeared first on 3DVista.

Sometimes when publishing a tour on social networks like Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn the thumbnail shown is not the one that we currently have defined in VT PRO. These social networks have their own cache so if we published the link before we may need to refresh the cache so it takes the more recent thumbnail. Here is how:


The post How to refresh a thumbnail in social networks appeared first on 3DVista.

How to customize the texts and options that appear in the right click menu in 3DVista tours? https://www.3dvista.com/en/kb/faqs/general/how-can-i-modify-the-texts-and-options-that-appear-in-the-right-click-menu/ Wed, 15 Jun 2022 07:25:53 +0000 https://www.3dvista.com/?post_type=epkb_post_type_1&p=31306 The content of the right click menu can be customized from the Project/Playlist/Global Settings panel by clicking on the clockwork icon: Here you can remove the default functions and/or add new elements associated with any action you want. You can, for example, put the name of the author or client. You can customize or remove […]

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The content of the right click menu can be customized from the Project/Playlist/Global Settings panel by clicking on the clockwork icon:

Here you can remove the default functions and/or add new elements associated with any action you want. You can, for example, put the name of the author or client.

You can customize or remove anything other than the name of the viewer's Player version ("3DVista Player xx"), which is important technical information necessary for instance when checking bugs or when a tour is not working.

Private Viewers Service:

In some special cases where a customer may require that there be no reference to the viewer technology, we offer a private label viewer solution.

This service applies to a license (or several if they are under the same email address) and every tour published with that license will carry the private viewers. You can publish an unlimited number of tours with this.

You can purchase the Private Viewer service here.

Once purchased, you need to send us the text that you want to replace the 3DVista Player xx Version with. This text needs to clearly identify you or your company and can not imply that the technology is your IP (e.g. it can't contain "Powered by"). You also need to provide us with a URL that will be the landing page for those clicking on your text. It is essential to add some kind of information in this section. It is not possible to have a private viewer without any information and leave that part blank.

We will have your private viewers ready within 1-3 business days. Once they are ready, you just need to restart the VT PRO program and republish your existing tours. They will then carry the new text in the context menu. All the tours published since then will automatically carry your private viewer.

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Is it possible to add resizable fonts also to Stylable and Multiline Text in the skin? https://www.3dvista.com/en/kb/faqs/skin-interface/is-it-possible-to-add-resizable-fonts-also-to-stylable-and-multiline-text-in-the-skin/ Tue, 31 May 2022 10:26:46 +0000 https://www.3dvista.com/?post_type=epkb_post_type_1&p=22775 It is already resizable. In Edit Styles this font is resizable. It is applied to all the text, it can have different sizes, but what cannot be is that one part of the text is resizable and another is not.

The post Is it possible to add resizable fonts also to Stylable and Multiline Text in the skin? appeared first on 3DVista.

It is already resizable. In Edit Styles this font is resizable. It is applied to all the text, it can have different sizes, but what cannot be is that one part of the text is resizable and another is not.

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Is there any way that the text sizes adapt according to the screen size and work responsively? https://www.3dvista.com/en/kb/faqs/skin-interface/is-there-any-way-that-the-text-sizes-adapt-according-to-the-screen-size-and-work-responsively/ Tue, 31 May 2022 10:25:47 +0000 https://www.3dvista.com/?post_type=epkb_post_type_1&p=25868 Yes, there is a specific option for it that defines what size is displayed depending on the screen size. For the "Stylable and multiline text" it is found here (option "resizable text"): And in the case of info windows, we have that same option here:

The post Is there any way that the text sizes adapt according to the screen size and work responsively? appeared first on 3DVista.

Yes, there is a specific option for it that defines what size is displayed depending on the screen size.
For the "Stylable and multiline text" it is found here (option "resizable text"):

And in the case of info windows, we have that same option here:

The post Is there any way that the text sizes adapt according to the screen size and work responsively? appeared first on 3DVista.

How can I replace one skin element with another (for example a button)? Either using an existing one from the library or by a new image. https://www.3dvista.com/en/kb/faqs/skin-interface/how-can-i-replace-one-skin-element-with-another-for-example-a-button-either-using-an-existing-one-from-the-library-or-by-a-new-image/ Thu, 19 May 2022 12:14:13 +0000 https://www.3dvista.com/?post_type=epkb_post_type_1&p=30295 To replace one skin element with another there are two options: The first is to replace your image with a new one (or state-based images in the case of buttons). To do this you have to select that element and change its image with another. Simply going to "edit styles" and replace it there: The […]

The post How can I replace one skin element with another (for example a button)? Either using an existing one from the library or by a new image. appeared first on 3DVista.

To replace one skin element with another there are two options:

The first is to replace your image with a new one (or state-based images in the case of buttons). To do this you have to select that element and change its image with another. Simply going to "edit styles" and replace it there:

The second option is to replace the element with another from the library. In this case, you would have to select the element and click on its orange wheel to display the options. Just select the first one, "open the Library to replace this item". This will open the library window and we only have to search for the new element and select it. (From here you could also import a new library element that you do not have included yet and then select it):

If you want to select an image that you have not saved in your library, you should first add it to the skin (inserting it as a button, single image, etc..). To do this you have to select the wheel on it and select the option "Save this item in your Library". Choose family, type and name and click "Save". From now on when you open your Library, you will have that new item ready to use.

The post How can I replace one skin element with another (for example a button)? Either using an existing one from the library or by a new image. appeared first on 3DVista.

How to Transfer my Tours to the 3DVista App on iPhone or iPad (if you don't have 3DVista Cloud Hosting) https://www.3dvista.com/en/kb/faqs/android-ios-app/how-to-transfer-my-tours-to-the-3dvista-app-on-iphone-or-ipad-if-you-dont-have-3dvista-cloud-hosting/ Mon, 18 Apr 2022 07:43:56 +0000 https://www.3dvista.com/?post_type=epkb_post_type_1&p=29094 Please, for versions prior to mac 11.0 you must use itunes for the process. You can watch our video tutorial on how to do it here. For versions from mac 11.0 this method must be used: First, in Virtual Tour Pro, publish your tour using the "Web / Mobile" option and saving the files to […]

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Please, for versions prior to mac 11.0 you must use itunes for the process. You can watch our video tutorial on how to do it here.

For versions from mac 11.0 this method must be used:

First, in Virtual Tour Pro, publish your tour using the "Web / Mobile" option and saving the files to a folder on your computer.

Open the Finder and connect your iPhone or iPad to your Mac. The device will be visible in the list on the left under "Locations". Select it and click on the "Files" option from the top list. The 3DVista application should appear here (if you haven't installed it yet you can find it here: 3DVista App).
Now simply drag and drop the tour folder you created in VTPro onto the 3DVista app. This way your tour will be copied to your device. You can now disconnect your device from the computer. Now when entering the 3DVista App, if you click on the "Offline Tours" option, the copied tour will appear and you can view it even without connection.

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