Variants in 3D models

Variants in 3D models

Same Geometry, Different Materials In today's article, we want to highlight a feature that can significantly improve how we visualize and present our 3D models: the Variants. This powerful feature allows us to present different materials for an object, always...
Putting the 3D into 3DVista

Putting the 3D into 3DVista

Мы очень рады представить самое большое обновление с момента запуска VT PRO более десяти лет назад: Виртуальные туры 3DVista теперь поддерживают 3D-модели! 3DVista всегда была в авангарде отрасли, привнося некоторые уникальные функции, которые, как нам хотелось бы...
Tours don't work on Safari 15 and iOS 15?

Tours don't work on Safari 15 and iOS 15?

Safari 15 & iOS 15   Having trouble playing your 3DVista virtual tours on Safari 15 and iOS 15? Here's what to do As some of you may know, the recent launch of Safari 15 and iOS 15 has caused the tours published before September 21 not to work correctly in...
New on iOS: Multiple videos simultaneously

New on iOS: Multiple videos simultaneously

Now on iOS too: Multiple videos play simultaneously This is one of those updates that is much more relevant than it may seem at first sight. If you're a virtual tour creator you may be familiar with an iOS limitation that seriously compromised the virtual tour...
Click & Go Mode

Click & Go Mode

The new way of moving around An alternative navigation mode for 3DVista virtual tours, “Click & Go” allows you to move through a tour in a manner that is similar to the typical Street View navigation. It gives an impression of free movement and allows you to...