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How to customize the texts and options that appear in the right click menu in 3DVista tours?
The content of the right click menu can be customized from the Project/Playlist/Global Settings panel by clicking on the clockwork icon:

Here you can remove the default functions and/or add new elements associated with any action you want. You can, for example, put the name of the author or client.
You can customize or remove anything other than the name of the viewer's Player version ("3DVista Player xx"), which is important technical information necessary for instance when checking bugs or when a tour is not working.

Private Viewers Service:
In some special cases where a customer may require that there be no reference to the viewer technology, we offer a private label viewer solution.
This service applies to a license (or several if they are under the same email address) and every tour published with that license will carry the private viewers. You can publish an unlimited number of tours with this.
You can purchase the Private Viewer service here.
Once purchased, you need to send us the text that you want to replace the 3DVista Player xx Version with. This text needs to clearly identify you or your company and can not imply that the technology is your IP (e.g. it can't contain "Powered by"). You also need to provide us with a URL that will be the landing page for those clicking on your text. It is essential to add some kind of information in this section. It is not possible to have a private viewer without any information and leave that part blank.
We will have your private viewers ready within 1-3 business days. Once they are ready, you just need to restart the VT PRO program and republish your existing tours. They will then carry the new text in the context menu. All the tours published since then will automatically carry your private viewer.