Video with Chroma
With the new option to "add chroma" to our videos, we can now insert videos with a transparent background, so that they integrate much better in our tours. This option is now available for...
NEW UPDATE (2021.1) — Tags, chroma for videos, and more.
The most important additions for this new version are the following: Added the new "Tags" function. With it you can organize and group content with common...
Advanced Analytics for 3DVista Virtual Tours
Heatmaps and Statistics to track viewer behavior in tours, panoramas and even individual hotspots.
Choosing a Host in LGT Sessions
How to let Guests choose their Host in Live Guided Tour Sessions.
«Why I made the switch from Kolor to 3DVista»
An experience report by Dimitri Cassimatis. 11 reasons on why he switched platforms.
Special Effects for Virtual Tours #1: SNOW
Visual Effects for your virtual tours. The first one: Add snow to your scene for a magical story experience.
Click & Go Mode
The new way of moving around An alternative navigation mode for 3DVista virtual tours, “Click & Go” allows you to move through a tour in a manner that is similar to the typical Street...
Text To Speech
The new «Text To Speech» Feature converts any written text inside your virtual tour into spoken words.
Dual Viewers — «Before & After» Panoramas
Side-by-side. Display a direct and immersive comparison of a scene in two stages with the new Dual Viewer feature.
NEW UPDATE (2020.4) — Dual Viewer, LGT Silent Mode, ADA and more…
A new mode for the greatly successful Live Guided Tour feature, Split & Twin View Tours, more ADA compliance and so much more. Here's the list of the most important additions…
Live Guided Tours with TURN Service
So as not to leave anyone behind, no matter their firewall or network restrictions.
Productivity Revolution #3: Quick Actions
Quick Actions are our new way of optimizing the process of hotspot creation. They're an alternative way of setting hotspots, saving you many clicks when it comes to putting your tour together…
Productivity Revolution #2: Organizing Library Windows
«Recent», «Favorites» & a search field have been added to the Library Windows — Making icons easier to find and quicker to select.
Productivity Revolution #1: Changing all Hotspot Icons at once
The icon library in VT PRO gives you many ways to customize your tour with different icons for different hotspots for instance. However, while customizing the hotspots down to each individual spot by creating…
URL-Parameters to control a virtual tour
The power of your tour's URL — use it to specify where exactly to start your tour. Here's a list with all possible parameters that you can add to your tour's URL to determine what exactly should be opened.
Move to Panorama (or Media) with Password
Virtual escape rooms, gamified e-learning or limiting access to sensitive areas: Here's how you password protect the move to certain panoramas.
Floating vs Sticker Hotspots
We've recently developed a new hotspot type and it hasn't been properly announced yet. So here's the official blog post on the new Floating Hotspots and how they're different from Sticker Hotspots.
Managing Big Tours thanks to new Deep Linking Options
We up'ed our Deep Linking Game with a new «Skip Loading» function. Interlink tours without going through a loading screen — for a seamless switch that makes walking between several sub-tours…
Live-Guided Tours
Explore, Show, Teach. Together.
A paradigm shift for Real Estate, Schools, Tourism, e-training…
NEW UPDATE (2020.1.0): E-Learning and more
This update opens up a completely new world to all 3DVista users out there.
Here's all the new additions broken down.
WebXR for Oculus Go
There's a new standard coming along called webXR. And we're excited to announce 3DVista's support for webXR in oculus browser.
«Enable Video and Audio?» How to get rid of this window
We get this question so many times that it's worth dedicating it its own entire blog post. «When I open the tour, I see a window asking for permission to enable audio or video. How can I delete that…
Virtual Tours in E-Learning, Training & Quizzing
3DVista now optimized to all things e-learning: Quiz Cards, Scores, Gamification and automatic LMS integration allow you to use 360º virtual tours as canvas for a more immersive, interactive…
3DVista Market Place goes live
Today, we are proudly presenting the latest puzzle piece to our 3DVista community: The Market Place.
Have a browse and start offering and finding skins, graphics, sounds and other supporting elements for your virtual tours.
NEW UPDATE: 2020.0.0 Multi-language and much more…
We've broken down today's change log to let you know all the goodies that have been added (oh yes, multilanguage is among them) and what they're good for. Enjoy!
Multi-Language Tours
One of the most-requested features recently - it's here! Check out how you can create a virtual tour that adapts and shows in your audience's language in our new video tutorial....
New Skins & Hotspot icons
A little pre-christmas gift to all of you: Two new skins - one for cars, one for boats and lots of new hotspots by popular request. Enjoy making them yours! You can find the new skins and...
Where did the START tab go? Launching (new) actions when media starts or ends.
Yes, it's gone — but just to make room for even more functions. Here's where you find the old (and new) options now.
What's new?
An update so big, it deserves a little bit of exposure. All new features explained.
Skin Editor Revolution: #2 Dual Skins
Detect automatically whether your audience comes from desktop or mobile and lead them to the respective, completely optimized virtual tour design.
Start Point Options
The four options to start a new panorama — explained and demonstrated with videos.
Skin Editor Revolution: #1 Tree Mode
The first big improvement in the skin editor in terms of logic and workflow is now out and this is how it works.