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I have two different tours. Can they be merged into one? Or at least, can I combine two different skins?
Regarding the tours, no, two different projects cannot be combined. The media contained in one tour cannot be globally imported into another tour. You would need to re-import the media and assign specific settings or properties to each one.
As for the skins, two different skins cannot be combined automatically. If you have one skin and import another, the information from the first will be lost. However, you can add new elements, screens, or settings from one skin to another, effectively combining both skins.
This needs to be done using the VTPro library, which allows us to export and import both skin elements and hotspots. To export an element (or a container with multiple internal elements), simply click on the orange wheel and then select "export this item to share with other PC" to save that component as an external VTPro file:

You can then go to your other skin and import the component. This is done within the skin tab by clicking the "Misc" button, the last item in the list of elements to add:
Import the element if you already have it in the library on the same computer, or use the "Import a VTL library file" option (this will add it to your library list).
This way, you can add it to the screen as another component of the initial skin you have open.
As a tip, if you need to export many screens or different components, you don't need to do it one by one. You can create a new main container and drag all the components you want inside it. Then, you only need to export the main container, as all the secondary components will also be included.