Track & analyze viewer behavior Advanced Analytics is one of the features that comes with the (optional) 3DVista Hosting. It allows you to monitor and track the traffic inside your virtual tours with Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and heatmaps across all and...
The new way of moving around An alternative navigation mode for 3DVista virtual tours, “Click & Go” allows you to move through a tour in a manner that is similar to the typical Street View navigation. It gives an impression of free movement and allows you to...
A new mode for the greatly successful Live Guided Tour feature, Split & Twin View Tours, more ADA compliance and so much more. Here’s the list of the most important additions: Added “Dual Viewer” components in the “Misc”...
In the past weeks, we’ve seen the launch of some completely new features and functions, such as the E-Learning Module or Live Guided Tours. These upcoming weeks are dedicated to optimizing what’s already there, to make workflows more intuitive and...
The new solution for taking clients, students or colleagues on a virtual walk-through that truly is shared. Live-Guided Tours allow you to have a video call inside of a virtual tour. For the personal touch and assistance that remote showings may have lacked up to...
This update opens up a completely new world to all 3DVista users out there: The new E-Learning Module may open a range of new applications thanks to gamification mechanics for some and pave the way into a completely new industry for others. Here’s all the new...
WebXR is the latest evolution in virtual and augmented realities. The new standard for building VR and AR experiences on the web is intended to replace WebVR. In fact, since last Tuesday, Oculus no longer supports WebVR at all, rendering virtual tours based on that...
We’ve broken down today’s change log to let you know all the goodies that have been added and what they’re good for. Enjoy! Go global – Multi-language Virtual Tours Definitely one of the highlights of this update. It’s been out in our...
02/12/2019 – 2019.4.0 ——————— Here it is, another one of our big, big, enormous updates with lots of improvements and above all new functions. Let’s have a look: New Dual Skin Feature & 3 New Skins for your...
The introduction of a much more organized tree organization mode was our step 1 in the big skin revolution. Step 2 is a completely new feature, which truly caters to the differences in desktop versus mobile visualization. At the risk of repeating ourselves, we would...
3DVista Virtual Tour PRO has been designed with the idea in mind to give the user as much possibility for customization as possible. So much so that at times it seemed tedious to create skins when you’re in a rush. That’s why we have started a big skin...
Never have we launched so many big changes, improvements and new features in one update. Here’s the list: Multiresolution Panoramas: You can now use panoramas of virtually any size in your virtual tour and allow unlimited zooming as well as Gigapanos. This new...