3DVista: Accessibility capabilities for Virtual Tours

3DVista: Accessibility capabilities for Virtual Tours

Committed to web accessibility In an increasingly digital world, equal access to online information and experiences is essential for an inclusive society. However, many people with disabilities face significant challenges when trying to access web content, including...
Putting the 3D into 3DVista

Putting the 3D into 3DVista

We are very excited to introduce the biggest upgrade since the launch of VT PRO over a decade ago: 3DVista Virtual Tours now support 3D models! 3DVista has always been at the forefront of the industry, bringing some unique features that we like to believe have made...
Update 2022.2: 3D Models, 3D Actions, and more…

Update 2022.2: 3D Models, 3D Actions, and more…

Some of the noteworthy enhancements include: Introduction of 3D Models as a new media type, which supports GLTF and GLB formats (upgrade).  Provision of two distinct camera options, namely, 3D OBJECTS or FLY-OVER. This novel media type features multiple tabs for...
Update 2021.2: Introducing the New Hotspot Editor

Update 2021.2: Introducing the New Hotspot Editor

 The most important additions are:   New Hotspot Editor in 360ºThe new hotspot editor lets you work in the actual spherical environment, which means you place your hotspots in the exact same view as your audience will see the tour later. You can work in "Free...